Chapter 15 - So terribly weak

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"There she is! The weaver!", a young woman got up, beaming at my sight.

12 other witches followed her example, extending their arms like she had. Mother Shohet wistfully smiled at me. "So much knowledge, so much undiscovered potential!" The other witches repeated after her. "A beautifully woven pattern to visit us", thirteen witches chanted.

I immediately wanted to get the fuck out.

"Come in, come in", Aurelia Shohet waved me closer. "Genevieve insisted we are properly introduced to each other, and I had to instantly agree. You are more interesting than Janet, the prophesizing witch, more interesting than Thomas, the daemon witch! A late born weaver, but with no restrictions to her powers."

A pulsing made me clutch my head. The witches gasped. I stubbornly ignored it.

I sat down on the chair that appeared out of thin air.

"Tell us your story, child!"


Baldwin's POV

"Sieur! Where's Madame?", Ethan circled my horse, his expression growing more and more worried. "You didn't forget about your wife, did you?"

"How could I, Luc?" With a heavy heart, I swung myself down.

The horse nuzzled its head into my hand. "We decided she should stay in Strasbourg. Genevieve ordered her to do so for a whole month." 

"And you returned without her?" 

"She sent me back. To do my duties, to not change the tide of events."

Ethan unbelievingly yanked the reins out my hand. "Madame's alone in Strasbourg?" 

"With Aurelia Shohet." 

"With that nutcase? Mother Shohet, the one who breaks dimensions out of boredom?" 

"Don't remind me!", I snarled at him.

Ethan wasn't fazed. "You, Sieur, are out of your mind. Even Mother Shadow was better than her." 


"And let me guess, Madame suggested it, twisted you around her finger, and you agreed?" He spoke unbothered as I was gurgling him. 

"It's already bad enough I had to return without her, I don't need you to remind me of our choice."

"Her choice", Ethan's eyes were sad. "Are you alright, Sieur?" 

"I must be." 

"You are missing her already." 

"Of course, I am." I ran my hand through my hair, sighing. "It always starts with her scent, not counting the obvious." Her touch. Her smile. Her kisses. "How are the others?", as long as I was able to think straight without her, I would concentrate on my duties. "Has the Duke of Rivière written us? Or the king?"

I tried not to look back. I trusted her fully, I knew she could manage on her own.


Rebecca's POV

"Madame Genevieve's away to stop the flood in Lyon", Whitlock informed me. I noticed the glasses on his face and the book in his left hand. Had I disturbed him while reading? Baldwin would have snapped anybody's head off when he was disturbed.

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