Chapter 6 - Worth 13 witches

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"Madame ... Madame ... MADAME!" I slowly teared my eyes away from Baldwin. "Huh? Oh, it's you Anne. How long have you been standing there?", I barely looked past Baldwin, reaching for him.

The whole night long, he had poured his heart out for me. About how important I was to him, how I made him a normal vampire and not a blood-thirsty monster. How strong the urge was to live and not to die, now that I was by his side.

For the first time since the beginning of our relationship, I didn't look away embarrassed as his eyes laid on me, instead, I faced them, and sunk into the depths of his heart.

"A good while. Lady Blanc is waiting for you to go into town. We need to make you ready." "Is any servant available to accompany us?", I kissed Baldwin's beardy cheek. He leaned forward. Anne let out a shocked cry and teared me away. "Yes. And you should go now. What behaviour is this? Sieur, you should-"

Baldwin's head snapped up from me and faced the demon. His eyes were toxic unlike ever before. I backed away slightly, which only aggravated him more. "You will not address me or my wife in such a crude manner again, and you will never tell us what to do, understood?"

Charlotte was shaking when she nodded. I quickly placed my hands on his arm, telling him to calm down. "It's alright, Gerald, she reminded me of my duties. I have to go."

His face softened. "Are you sure? Do you want to face the priestess on your own? I can come along if you want me to." "No, no, everything's going to be alright. You take care of your business, and if there are any news on Genevieve, tell me, ok?" "Naturally", he raised my hand and kissed my knuckles.

'Thank you', I had to say it to him. He had taken a time out the night to join me at the priestess just to talk to me about my feelings. He even asked me to take off the ring if I felt uncomfortable. "I won't push you into anything you don't want", he had reassured and kissed my fingers.

"Baldwin ... it's not like I don't love you, trust me I do love you, from the bottom of my heart, I'm just ... a bit shy to take it further. I'll be wearing the ring, not because of a protective matter but because one day I want to marry you." That had been enough for him, and the rest of the night I was so tightly emerged into his hugs, that soon I had grown comfortable again.

After that, we had taken several days off for me to grow fond of him – as we jokingly had called it. They had been filled with talking, especially from me.

Telling him things about me he didn't know – for one, I had a terrible memory, it was thankfully to my magic I even remembered my duties. I had also informed him of my family, telling him how they were and why I hesitated to introduce him to them. They were so against vampires and mixed relationships I could have written a book about it.

I kissed Baldwin's cheek, fixed his collar, earned a devilishly handsome smile for my tender action.

"Let's get me dressed, Anne", I squeezed his hand, his ruff skin pleasantly scratching mine, and we quickly moved to my room. Charlotte stayed quiet, a strange expression in her eyes.

"The dark blue dress, please", I didn't even look at the open closet, choosing the earrings from Baldwin's mother and slipped them easily on. "Could you do a looser hairstyle today, please? When you stick all my curls up I get a headache from it." "A bit flowing over your back?" "Yes, please."

I slipped into my shoes, had her wrap the scarf around my shoulders and left with Rafael and Victorie again.

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