Chapter 22 - Mother of Death

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I had to smile as I traced my swelling stomach. Our baby was growing healthily and steadily, my stomach being the proof of that. In my dresses the stomach disappeared, but in my underwear, it was so visible it was hard to miss. Our daughter did have the growth of a vampire, how else could I explain the fast development? I was after all only three months in.

A polite knock made me look away from the mirror, and upon my words Whitlock and Thomas entered.

"Is your stomach aching?", Thomas pointed out the fact my hands were on my stomach constantly.

"No, I'm healthy", I crouched down to Thomas, earning a disapproving grunt from Whitlock. "I'm pregnant, Thomas. I'm expecting a baby."
The messenger boy went quiet, then looked up from under his heavy bangs. After a moment, he smiled.

I ruffled his hair.

Whitlock coughed. "Mother Shadow is expecting you in the living room."

"Quite a strange woman! But her raven seems nice", Thomas smiled at me, reaching for my hand.

I eagerly took his and Whitlock led us to the living room, awfully slow, all while Thomas babbled about Margeaux.
"Her eyes are strange, aren't they? And her raven is quite behaved! It didn't steal anything shiny - well so far."

"The raven's name is Elise."
"Elise! A girl?"

I nodded, while Whitlock shook his head in annoyance.

"How does she know that?"

"Well, a witch knows instinctively what gender his familiar is."

The open doors revealed a Genevieve, eagerly talking to Margeaux. Elise was jumping around the table, ruffling her feathers. She stopped once she saw me and instantly took off. "Hello gorgeous", Elise rubbed her head against my cheek as a silent greeting.

Mother Shadow jumped up, clasping her hands. "Child! There you are!"
"Wow, she's fast for an old hag!", Thomas awed, earning a slap from Whitlock.
"Don't hurt the child!", I gaped at him, pulling Thomas closer.

Genevieve sighed, getting up. "This is all too much for me! Whitlock I'm awaiting you at my office with tea and my children's letters."

She strode by me, scanning the child and me. Thomas pressed himself more into my dress. I didn't avert my glance from her, until she couldn't look at me anymore. Whitlock shut the door behind me, but tugged Thomas out my grasp.

Margeaux reached out for me, her hands shaky. "Child, you had us all worried!"
"I didn't intend things to go this way", I hugged her tightly. I had missed her and the others. "How are you fairing? Are you healthy again?"

"Don't worry about me", she barked, holding onto me. "You worried Baldwin's head off! Victorie's too. Baldwin and Phillipe were searching high and low for you, always waiting for news about you."

Her eyes scanned our surroundings. "But now I know why you couldn't communicate with your husband anymore. These spells are quite the deal."

"I would have loved to stay in touch with you, but Genevieve forbade it."

"Her hatred for Baldwin is even stronger than we feared."


She motioned me to sit next to her.

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