Adrenaline (Harry)

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His heart hammered harshly against his chest as he sang, making his voice erupt the crowd in cheers and screams. I watched his from the little spot backstage making me smile at the way he was acting. He didn't know I was here which made this a million times better. I got a few days off from university to be able to fly to Bogota to see the boys perform. As the night came to an end, it was already 11 by the time the boys stuffing trickling backstage to change into some more comfortable clothes before their next stop in Peru. Liam came as a sweaty smiling self giving me a big hug along with Louis, Niall and Zayn. I saw Harry come down the stairs giving his microphone to one of the stage managers double taking looking at me. I smiled widely feeling my heart hammer just like it was an hour ago and still is now as he smiled running, picking me up and spinning. "My god Y/N I thought you weren't coming till we came to the UK!" He said excitedly setting you down keeping his arms around your waist. You just couldn't help get lost in those jade green eyes that were full of fire right as he stepped on stage. You could feel his heartbeat race against your hand that rested on his chest making you smile. "I got a couple of days off so I flew over here to surprise you." He just smiles burying his face into my neck. "Well I've been missing you for two months." His voice muffled by my skin. He pulled away attaching his lips deeply to mine, having the faint taste of saltiness from the sweat the dripped down his skin to his lips. I gripped his broad shoulders that were covered in that black long sleeve feeling the slight dampness making me smile finally feeling his lips on mine.
"GET A ROOM YOU TWO." You heard Liam yell making you both pull away breathlessly laughing slightly. You had about half an hour before the bus left for the next destination which should be about enough time. Harry grabbing my hand taking me out in the warm air of the South American night leading me to the bus. His lanky legs walked at a fast pace making me snicker slightly at how many times he has tripped making his mumble a 'shut up' before opening the bus door pushing me in first. I stood in the main room up front facing away from him as he wrapped his sweaty body around mine from behind. He peppered kisses down my neck making my eyes flutter shut leaning back against him. "You did amazing tonight Haz.." He smiles against my neck making his hands rub the bare skin the crop too I wore revealed. "Well I had our special good luck necklace on so I was bound to be amazing." I laughed softly turning around in his arms looking up at him. He looked beautiful as his face was slightly shining from the hot lights boring into him as he pranced on stage. Curls matting to his forehead that escaped from his headband he was wearing. I leaned up pressing my lips to his making my stomach erupt in butterflies. Even though going out from two years, his touches and kisses never failed to make me feel like it was our first date again. The kiss grew deeper and deeper as the fire in his eyes grew through his while body now. He kneeled down slightly to grip the back of my thighs, wrapping them around his waist. He slammed my back against the wall nipping his wait down my jaw and nec, sucking at the special spot where my shoulder meets my neck.

I whimpered gripping his shoulders. I moved my hands to the belt of his jeans, unbuckling them slipping my hand into his boxers feeling his prominent erection. He moaned against my neck setting me down as we both scrabbled to get our clothes off. Usually we'd foreplay but right now, the heat and frustration between us too was getting too much. I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist as he slammed into me without warning. I gasp digging my nails into his upper back tilting my head back to rest against the wall. His heavy breaths waved over my neck, pinning my hips to the wall snapping his hips against mine. I moved my head to look at him seeing his lip between his teeth as his eyes were set in concentration on how his hips snapped. I tilted his head up to kiss him roughly. Our lips slotted together in a sloppy hungry kiss making his hips move even faster to hit my spot. I pushed the headband off his head throwing it somewhere in the room losing my fingers into his messy hair as our lips pulled away resting his forehead against mine. "Fuck baby girl I'm close.." He moans out making me nod signaling I was about to cum. I screamed his name and he groaned mine making our orgasms explode at the same time. We both breath heavily as Harry face is buried in my neck. I comb my fingers through his hair loosely draping one of my arms around his neck. "Man I am tired." He says yawning, setting me down gently. He goes back to his bunk grabbing some sweats and a tee for himself along with some boxer shorts for me. I smile putting on my shirt and his shorts just in time as the boys walk in. They smirked and snickered at the sight of us two with crazy hair. I took my eyes laughing slightly sitting on the couch grabbing my phone.
Harry sits next to me. "What has you even this wired." I ask raising an eyebrow at him. He smirks shrugging. "I guess the adrenaline got me going from the show and from seeing you." He kisses behind my ear, lightly tugging the lobe making me push him playfully laughing.

Hiya guys!! Thank you so so so much for voting and reading.
It means a lot to me... Btw (just want to share it) i got my hair done today and my crush wont stop staring at me omg omg ;)) and he said that i look beautiful... He's fucking hot and so freaking adorable. I want to bite his cheeks... Oops hehe im so in love with him :) lol

So yeah guys sorry for being talkative and random
So yeah.... Enjoy... And i love you all!!! ;))

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