High School AU Headcanons

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2p Italy:
- Star athlete on the boys soccer team
    - Refuses to call it soccer and will only call it futbol
- Has a "friendly" competition with his older brother in drama
    - Not fucking friendly competition at all
    - They are ruthless towards each other
- He played the leading role in the musical Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street
    - This is sort of where his love of sharp objects came from
    - He played the role so well that the drama teacher made him go to his guidance counselor for help
- Has a toned ass
    - Like hot damn
    - Buns of steel over here
- Fucking voice of an angel
- Try to speak his native language to him and butcher it completely?
    - Doesn't matter because you'd be dead
    - Unless he magically likes you
        - Aka, you have to be a girl

2p Romano:
- This baby fucking owns his sewing class
    - He teaches the teacher, not the other way around
- Always beats Luciano to the auditions for plays and musicals
    - Loses the leading male role to his brother half the time anyway
    - If he gets the role, you bet he's going to rub it in his younger sibling's face
- Voice of an angel like his brother
- Elton John is his IDOL
    - He's been to every concert he could attend of his
    - Draws his inspiration from him
- He loves gossip
    - Gossip King right here
    - He's the guy to go to if you need stuff for blackmail

2p Germany:
- Takes naps in pretty much every class he can
- Miraculously passing in everything though
- Lazy as all hell but still manages to stay buff
- He's got the biceps to prove it
- Make fun of his older brother?
    - He'll find out and make you wish you were never born
- He tried out for the school's American Football team and was excepted on it, but he declined because that meant he actually had to run with the ball
- He's in a band though
    - He's the drummer and back up vocalist

2p Prussia:
- Shy, smol cinnamon roll
- He couldn't hurt anything if he tried
    - Profusely apologizing for days
- Literally spends all his free time in the library
- Writes cute little poems
    - Everyone knows about it
- Gets picked on all the time
- But he's got a very protective little brother who helps him out
- Sits quietly in the back of the class with his nose in a book
- Something happens and no one knows how, not even the teacher?
    - He will Sherlock Holmes that shit
- He writes the lyrics for Lutz's band

2p Japan:
- Schools the art teacher in art history
- Usually drawing Hentai when he thinks no one is looking
    - Yeah, he actually doesn't care if someone sees him do it
- He was one of those kids who got tattoos already
    - Working on getting full on sleeves
- Don't talk to him about anime
    - He'll never shut up if you do
    - Or he'll go on a rant about hentai
    - You don't really want that
- He often carries a small book with him
    - No one knows what it's about
    - He won't let anyone touch it


2p America:
- He likes to DJ
    - His first year of high school he paid off the DJ the school hired for the first school dance to not show up so he could DJ
    - The principal was furious but calmed down when he saw how much the students actually liked his music choices
    - He's been the DJ for all school events with music since then
- He's also in Lutz's band
    - He's the guitarist and vocalist
- Since the school doesn't have a baseball team, he's the manager for the girls softball team
- He was of the football team one year
    - This is how he lost his one canine tooth
    - That helmet was not enough protection
    - Likes to tell people who weren't at that game that his brother actually knocked his tooth out

2p Canada:
- If he can get away with sleeping in class, he'll do it
- He's on the school's hockey team
    - Star athlete right here
- Luciano and him actually do have a friendly competition to see who can score the most goals each time either of them had a game
    - Whoever as the most goals total by the end of each season has to buy the other person a new piece of sports equipment for next year
    - If it ends in a tie, neither of them have to buy anything
- Usually will have his sunglasses perched on top of his head
    - They will unfortunately get tangled in his hair at some point during the day, causing him to get frustrated as he untangles them during class
- He often does volunteer work at animal shelters after school, but no one knows about it

2p Russia:
- He's the silent, intimidating, smart kid
- He'll stare you down if he thinks you are or have ever cheated off of him during a test
- He secretly takes ballet classes outside of school
    - No one knows about it
    - Only his sisters do
    - He's threatened them to keep it a secret
    - Natasha decided to join his class to spend more time with him
        - He wasn't happy about that
- He tutors other students sometimes if they really need help in a certain subject
    - A lot of the times it's girls that want him to tutor him
    - He's never amused when they try to make a move
- He tries to ignore most people, especially when he tries to read
- He'll typically hang with Gilen in the library since the two enjoy each other's company

2p England:
- Just like Flavio and Kuro, he owns one I his classes
    - It's Home Economics
    - He's nice about it though to his teacher
- He's that mom friend
- Likes to bake treats for his classmates
    - He never poisons anyone
    - If he doesn't like you, which is rare, he'll just give you something to make you sick for a few days
- He's a smol cinnamon roll like Gilen
    - But he's a deadly one when pissed off
- He does a lot of baking fundraisers for his school for various organizations
- He went through his pastel goth gaze during high school for a few months

2p France:
- He smokes all the time on the campus
    - He gets detentions for it
    - He actually goes to them because he has nothing better to do
- He's the band's manager
    - Handles all the money
- He's boarder on failing almost all of his classes
    - Except for French
    - He has the unfair advantage of being from France
- He's very quiet
    - But he'll mutter profanities under his breath if French
- He's not particularly fond of Oliver, but if you mess with him, François will find out and come after you

2p China:
- He's the school drug dealer
    - The teachers don't know he does it
    - They know he does drugs though
- Usually late to class
- He gets detentions for it
    - He never shows up to them
    - The principal gave up caring at his point
- He's the third and final member of Lutz's band
    - Bassist
    - He's not allowed to sing
    - Your ears will bleed if he does
- He low-key loves poetry
    - Sometimes he secretly watches Gilen write it

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