When They Are Sick Headcanons

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KrystalEndermalie: Hey there. I love your writing. And could you do a 'when they are sick' or 'when you are sick? Thank you.

Since you allowed me to choose, I'll be doing the 2p Axis and 2p Allies with 'when they are sick'.


2p Italy:
- He tries to act like being sick doesn't bother him
- He does sound a little funny when he gets sick from having a stuffy nose
- He'll try to do things on his own even if he's incredibly ill
- Doesn't want to be waited on hand and foot
    - It makes him feel helpless
    - More often than not, someone coaxes him into staying in bed so he can get better
- He hates to take medicine
    - He thinks it all tastes nasty
    - He honestly acts like a child if you try to force him to take it

2p Romano:
- He's sort of like his younger brother when it comes to being sick
- He hates being stuck in bed
    - He won't fight someone if they ask him to go rest because he knows it will help him get better more quickly
- He'll whine constantly at how disgusting he feels from being sick
    - Also complains that he doesn't feel fabulous
- On the plus side, he has designer tissues
    - He gets them custom made
- He's taking every medicine possible without overdosing so he can get better quickly
    - Someone often has to monitor him when he does this so he follows the directions on the bottles

2p Germany:
- He sucks it up
- He refuses to show weakness
    - He will however be carrying a box of tissues with him wherever he goes
    - Maybe some hand sanitizer too
- If he's home alone, or maybe even with that special someone, he'll want to create a blanket fort on the couch
    - Cuddles are mandatory if this happens
- He's pretty good about taking medicine
    - Just keep him from drinking beer and he'll be fine
- He really just wants to be able to lounge about and watch movies while he gets better

2p Prussia:
- When he gets sick, he gets really sick
- Poor guy has such a horrible immune system
- He's usually bed ridden for days when he falls ill
- Needs someone to take care of him the entire time
- He'll apologize profusely for any inconveniences his sickness imposes
- Long coughing fits
- He goes through a lot of vapor rubs
    - And tissues
- He needs to be bundled in blankets to keep warm because he gets so cold while sick

2p Japan:
- He mopes when he's sick
- He can't draw his hentai properly because his hands get shaky
- He also won't read his hentai Because he's afraid of sneezing on it and ruining the pages
- Locks himself in his room and only will come out to use the restroom or get medicine or food
- If you take good care of him, he'll reward you with cuddles when he feels better
    - He'll make no promise to make it just cuddling
    - He might get a little handsy
- He doesn't act like himself overall when he's sick


2p America:
- He'll walk around the house with a blanket wrapped around him when he's sick
- Sneezes constantly
- His pockets are full of tissues, both used and unused
- This is the one time he'll drink tea because it makes him feel better
- He needs cuddles too
- He doesn't want to get anyone else sick
    - Except for Matt because they don't particularly get along all too well
- He takes long, hot showers to try and decongest himself

2p Canada:
- He takes being sick like a man
- Goes about his life like normal
- Takes his medicine responsibly
- Will occasionally take a day for himself to just stay in bed so he doesn't prolong his sickness further if it gets bad
- He doesn't like to be waited on, but if his significant other insists on it, he won't argue with them
- He does appreciate forehead kisses when he's sick
    - They remind him of his mother when he was younger
    - It gives him comfort
- He also likes it when his hair is played with when he's sick
    - If he has a headache, it helps alleviate it

2p Russia:
- Him and Matt are probably the most normal when it comes to being sick
- He has a strict medicine schedule
    - Follows the instructions on the bottle to a point
- Keeps small packets of tissues in his pocket as well as a small bag to place used ones in until he has access to a trash can
- Sits and relaxes with herbal teas
- Tries to get small amounts of manageable work done
- Sleeps more than he usually does
- Likes to be left alone when he's sick

2p England:
- He insists that he's fine when he's sick
    - He's really not
- Usually coops himself up in his room under a pile of blankets
- Is thankful when someone takes care of him
    - He'll usually bake them their favorite treat once he feels better as a thank you
- He becomes such a cuddly person when he's sick
    - He claims he needs it or he won't get better quickly
- He goes through almost half a box of tissues easily in a day

2p France:
- Don't even try to take care of him because he'll refuse your help
- He's more miserable than usual
- Refuses to take medicine
    - Bribery is needed if you want him to take it
- He sneezes or coughs often
- He won't smoke when he's sick because it makes him cough more
- He curls up in a ball when he's on the couch or in bed
- Secretly wants to be comforted but he's too stubborn to actually ask for it

2p China:
- He's pretty fun when he's sick
- He takes his medicine willingly so long as he gets a small spoonful of sugar afterwards
    - Yes, you have to Mary Poppins him to get him to take his medicine
- He constantly wants to play a game of some kind to take his mind off of being sick
    - Card games are his favorite
- He loves to cuddle when he's sick
- Being surprised with something homemade always makes him feel better
    - This can be food or a gift
    - It shows that someone really does care for him

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