Halloween Dress Up Headcanons

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2p Italy:
- Dresses up as a vampire
- The ladies at the Halloween parties he goes to absolutely love this
- He goes for the older vampire look
    - Not like Dracula, but try to think of 1700s-1800s fashion
    - Or if you know how Lestat and Louis dress in Interview With a Vampire, then that's how he dressed
- Yes, he put in fake fangs
- If someone, mainly women, wanted a picture, he'd pretend to bite their neck in it

2p Romano:
- Dresses up as a FABULOUS zombie
- You better believe that his makeup is on point for this
- He had a hard time making crappy looking clothing
    - He literally cried out of frustration when sewing
- People kept asking him who did his makeup
    - Very proudly told everyone he did it

2p Germany:
- Dresses up as a werewolf
- You better believe that he tried to get a full on suit of fur
    - Gilen told him he was not allowed to
- Flavio helped him with his makeup prosthetics
    - Fur patches out of faux fur and latex
- He's already kinda hairy, so the look was good for him

2p Prussia:
- Dresses up as a poindexter
- People thought his look was very cute because he pulled it off very well
- He wears contacts to see, but he wore his glasses this one time and put a small piece of white tape on the middle
- He was still a shy guy at the Halloween parties he went to
    - Wall flower here

2p Japan:
- Dresses up as a samurai
- He just pulled clothing out of his closet
    - By that I mean he pulled out a full set of samurai armor from his closet that he made himself
- People asked him where he bought it
    - He told them it was a secret
- He carried an actual sword around with him the entire time he was wearing the outfit


2p America:
- Dresses up as a greaser
- He kind of did the same thing Kuro did
    - Just went through his closet and pulled out his actual greaser clothing
- He slicked back his hair
    - Except for that stubborn cowlick
- Carried a comb and hairspray with him all night
- He danced to Footloose every time it came on at the Halloween parties with a girl who was in a poodle skirt
    - He made it his priority to find someone wearing one once he showed up

2p Canada:
- Dresses up as Wolverine
- He didn't go hardcore with his outfit.
- He dressed as a casual Logan
- He made his own claws that fit his hands nicely
    - Yes, they were made out of metal, but he made sure they were dull so they wouldn't hurt anyone

2p Russia:
- Dresses up as Krampus
- He sort of just out on horns and a tail and wore a rucksack on his back
- Put in some tack fangs and put on a little makeup
- Wore his regular clothing
- He doesn't really like Halloween, so he barely tried

2p England:
- Dresses up as a woodland fairy
- This baby right here went all out like Flavio
    - They actually made their costumes together
    - Oliver comforted the distressed blond every time he started to cry
- Tights
    - Skin tight tights
    - He wore a tutu too
- Pretty little arm bands and a flower crown
- He made pointed shoes and his own wings
- Sparkles everywhere

2p France:
- Dresses up as the Headless Horseman
- Just like Viktor, he doesn't really like Halloween
- Oliver made him dress up though, so that's what he went with
- He did the Tim Burton Sleepy Hollow Headless Horseman look towards the end of the movie
- Flavio made an exact replica of the costume from the movie for him

2p China:
- Dresses up as a gangster
- He wanted to be a drug lord, but Kuro talked him out of it
- He wore the bandanna, but he refused to let his pants sag
    - He wanted to keep a little of his own decency in tact
- Carried a fake gun
    - He literally bought a toy prop with the orange tip to let people know it was fake

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