How They Act With Daughters Headcanons

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2p Italy:
- He is very overprotective of his daughter
- He had to know where she's going and who she's going with
- If she is going out with a boy, or anyone new for that matter, the outing has to be pre-approved
- He has to meet them before she leaves his property with them
- He's pretty good at reading others and if they have ulterior motives
- He refuses to let a Taken scenario happen to his little girl
- He has set curfews for her when when she goes out with people
- If she doesn't come home on time, she's looking at about six months to an entire life of groundings
- Outfits have to be approved as well
- Heaven forbid that someone makes his daughter cry
- There will be no mercy for the offender

2p Romano:
- He spoils her rotten
- He helps her with her hair and make up all the time
- Did some one say extensive and personalized wardrobe?
- You bet he makes all of her clothing
- Very expensive family dinners
- Nothing is too good for his little girl
- Shopping sprees happen at least once a month with her and her friends
- He accompanies them every time
- Helps them make decisions
- He's pretty laid about who she dates
- He only asks that the person treats her right
- She'll always be his little girl, so he'll baby her as long as she lives under his roof

2p Germany:
- He's one of the fun fathers
- Takes her on motorcycle rides to help her clear her head when something's on her mind
- He's the kind of dad that forces his daughter to do something with him when she's angry at him so they can make amends
- Board games like Monopoly are his favorite to play with her or card games like Slap Jack because it helps her get her aggression out
- They usually end with the two eating ice cream and sitting on the front porch while she vents her feelings to him
- He tends to make friends with whoever she brings home whether they are her friends or a potential love interest
- For clothing, he just asks that she doesn't wear something too revealing

2p Prussia:
- He is such a sweet and caring father
- He tries to act tough, but his daughter sees right through it
- She knows he's a cinnamon roll
- He lets her do as she pleases so long as it's not risky to her or anyone else
- He doesn't mind how she dresses because it's mainly t-shirts and jeans
- He's like a second dad to her friends, so he doesn't have to worry about the people she hangs with too much
- If she cries, he cries
- Then Lutz steps in like the good uncle he is and helps them deal with the problem
- He gives the best hugs and cuddles as a father

2p Japan:
- Him and his daughter has a strange relationship
- One second they'll be friends and the next they'll be at each other's throats with the katanas that Kuro keeps on display around the house
- The majority of the time they are on good terms
- If she wants to get a tattoo, he'll let her
- Heck, he'll even design it for her if she wants him too
- No piercings though besides her ears
- He doesn't let her hold parties
- He claims that they get too rowdy and that something always ends up broken or messed up
- She can where what she wants, but he is not responsible for what happens when she wears skimpy outfits


2p America:
- They are best friends
- Let's her get whatever piercings or tattoos she wants
- They actually have a matching tattoo set for Star Wars on their wrists
- He says she can dress however she wants
- Has her take self defense classes
- No one is going to hurt his child
- You can bet that if someone DOES hurt her, physically or emotionally, they will quickly become acquainted with his nail encrusted baseball bat
- These two will play video games all night long with each other, even on school nights
- Allen's actually the master of Dance Dance Revolution and taught his daughter everything he knows
- He helps her study when she gets frustrated with the content

2p Canada:
- Hockey dad right here
- He was so thrilled when his daughter chose to play hockey over any other sport without him having to ask her to
- He coaches the all girls team the two of them put together
- These two are kind of like Allen and his daughter
- Inseparable
- He's not too keen on tattoos or piercings, but if she really wanted them, he'd let her get them
- So long as it didn't interfere with her hockey playing
- He likes to lightly spoil her with small gifts every few months
- Hurting his daughter intentionally will lead to the barb-wired hockey stick coming out
- Side hugs are their favorites

2p Russia:
- They are virtually the same person
- She's like a mini Viktor
- They will sit in silence and read in the same room
- He was insecure about being a father before she was born
- Imagine how insecure he gets when someone wants to date his daughter
- Sits at home brooding the entire time she's gone because he's so worried that he's going to lose his daughter
- When she finally comes back home, he has to ask her a bunch of questions to reassure himself
- Tries tries to act indifferent about certain things she does and who she makes friends with
- She can tell what he's thinking though because she learned most of her mannerisms from him
- She gives him quick hugs all the time

2p England:
- She's a tomboy, so he can't exactly buy her pink and frilly dresses because he knows she won't wear them
- They do share a sweet tooth, so they bake together very often
- She aces all her Home Economic classes and related classes because of this
- Did someone say tons of ear piercings?
- She has so many ear piercings that Oliver did not authorize, but he let it slide because he loves her
- She dresses rather conservatively
- Oliver would have a heart attack otherwise
- So much fluff and cuddling between these two

2p France:
- He doesn't care what she does
- Wants to get a tattoo? Go right ahead
- Wants to get her nose pierced? He doesn't see a problem with it
- He won't allow her to smoke or drink
- That's because he doesn't want her to become a semi-alcoholic like he did
- She can dress how she wants
- The only real interaction they ever get is during meals, and even then it's very limited
- They sometimes sit in the same room and watch TV together, but no one talks
- He helped her with a history project once on brothels and prostitution since he lived around them so often as a kid with his father
- She got the highest grade possible on it

2p China:
- The BEST friends ever
- They share an intense love of red pandas
- He doesn't distribute drugs from home or even do them when he knows she'll be around
- He's afraid she'll become a huge druggie like him
- He really doesn't want that
- He'll feel like a failure of a parent if it happens
- Cuddle festivals on the couch with so many stuffed animals and movies
- They have matching dragon tattoos that they got when she was old enough
- They are on their shoulders
- She lets him pick out outfits for her sometimes
- She learned that he's actually pretty fashionable

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