When You Die Headcanons

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FaithsGalaxy: How about 'When you die' with the regular boys you use? I think that would be interesting.


2p Italy:
- All that progress you made with him that made him slightly less of an asshole it gone
    - He actually becomes more of an asshole now that you're gone
- He's more distant
- The slightest thing now pisses him off
    - If it's quiet and someone makes a noise, he would either death glare them or threaten with a knife
- He occasionally will lock himself in his private study

2p Romano:
- He makes the biggest deal out of it
    - Drama queen over here
- He has to plan everything for funeral
    - He'll collaborate with your family though
- He needs to make sure that you're fabulous even in death
- On the inside he's actually dying

2p Germany:
- He's really upset about it and cries
- He says it's as bad as having a cat die
    - That's a big compliment given how much he loves cats
- He stays a lot with your family to console them
    - They in return console him because they knew how much you meant to him
- He gets a new cat and names them in honor of you

2p Prussia:
- This poor boy would spiral into a long bout of depression
- He'd pretty much lock himself in his room and cry for days on end
- Nothing can cheer him up
- He doesn't want any social interaction
    - He won't even talk to Lutz

2p Japan:
- He is the most reserved out of everyone
    - That's actually a lie
        - Matt and him are tied
- He gives your family his condolences
- After the funeral, he'll get a tattoo for you
- He tries to immortalize you through his work in manga, not so much hentai
    - He might name a character after you or make them to look like you


2p America:
- He gets depressed and cries a lot
- Often walks around his house cuddling a pillow of yours
    - Sometimes it's a blanket you liked to use
- Goes to your grave every year on your birthday and your death day
- Spends time with your family often since he had become as much of a part of your as you had in his

2p Canada:
- As aforementioned, he is tired in terms of how reserved he is when he gets the news with Kuro
    - Actually goes out and punches a tree a few times to release his anger and sadness
        - Ends up on the ground crying afterward
- Kuma refuses to leave his side no matter where he goes because he's just as upset about you passing
- He's is given a book by your parents that turned out to be a scrapbook you had been secretly making for him for an anniversary
- He keeps the book on his bedside table at all times and looks through a couple pages every night before bed

2p Russia:
- He takes it rather badly
    - You know he takes it hard when he doesn't mind when his sisters come over and bother him
- Takes all of your favorite books and gives them their own special shelf among his bookshelves
- Finds the prefect flowers to put on your grave every time the ones he previously placed start to wilt
    - He often grows them himself
- Sleeps a lot less than he typically does

2p England:
- He's not as dramatic as Flavio, but he cries almost as much as Gilen
- He goes weekly to your grave on Sundays to have tea with you
    - That means he just sits there by himself by your grave and drinks tea
- He comes to talk to your grave as well to tell you how everyone is doing
- He embroiders a piece of cloth for you and frames it
    - It has the information on your tombstone on it with the addition of little hearts and flowers

2p France:
- For once he actually cares
    - This is shown by him drinking and smoking less and avoiding all brothels
- Spends more time with Oliver to try to fill the void in his heart
- Sleeps on your side of the bed most of the time because he doesn't like the negative space created by the lack of your body
- Always places a single rose on your grave on your birthday

2p China:
- He had been getting help for his drug problem since he had been with you
    - After you passed, he had about a month's time of a relapse and started using drugs again
        - After that month he stopped, realizing that it wasn't what you would have wanted
- He attempts to spend more time with Kuro to keep himself from trying to use drugs
    - Kuro has a no drug policy in his house unless it's prescribed and used correctly
- Wears a necklace or yours under his shirt at all times
    - It's a locket that you had yours and his picture in
- He still participated in the drug ring and sells since its kind of his business, but won't use any substances
    - Pretty sure you would come back from the grave if he relapsed for a second time

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