What They Do at a Halloween Party Headcanons

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vizziebabt101: Could I request headcanons for what the boys do at a Halloween party?


2p Italy:
- He's socializing with most people
- He opens up a little more after getting some wine in his system
- He definitely hooks up with someone at the end of the night
- He prefers to hang out outside the house in the backyard if there is one
- He feels that he can breeze better out there because there aren't as many people
- Plus it's a lot quieter
- Please ask to take a picture with him
- It boosts his ego
- But that makes him cocky for the rest of the night

2p Romano:
- He's showing off his handmade costume
- Everyone needs to know how stunning he looks at all times
- It's hard enough to keep your eyes off of him usually, but hot damn when he's in spandex
- He likes to gossip with people about other people's costumes
- But he's not super mean about it
- He mainly states what could improve the costume or suggests an accessory
- He will literally cry if someone says his costume looks cheap
- Do you know how much time he spent on his outfit?
- At least a week or more

2p Germany:
- I swear, he's like a frat boy at these parties when Allen and Zao are with him
- He drinks a lot of beer, but manages not to get completely drunk by some miracle
- He once swung from a chandelier because he was dressed up as Tarzan and someone dared him to
- Lutz also likes to show off his muscles at these parties
- Oh? He's dressed as a strong man from a circus?
- He's going to bench press two girls on a table all while they giggle

2p Prussia:
- If Matthieu is at the party, he's sticking with him
- If not him, then his brother
- He really doesn't like crowds, so parties aren't his scene
- This is why he prefers to hang out with Matt because he understands how he feels
- If people want to talk to him, he'll talk, but he gets a little fidgety after some time
- He typically wears a mask to the party, which gives him a little bit of a confidence boost but not much
- He may hide out in the bathroom if he has a panic attack

2p Japan:
- Kuro would most likely dress up as something grotesque or as an anime character from a horror series he enjoyed
- He gets asked to have his picture taken since he does so well with his make up
- He mainly minds his own business and drinks some of the saki he brings with him
- He tries to draw inspiration for his drawings from Halloween around this time of year
- Doesn't mind hook ups so much


2p America:
- He is the life of the party
- And if he's there with Lutz and Zao things are going to get wild
- He may start dancing competitions or impromptu costume contests
- He may get a little drunk if there is alcohol at the party
- He's not looking for a hook up when he goes, but he may end up with one
- At one Halloween party, he nearly got completely naked and ran down the street as part of a dare

2p Canada:
- He's hanging out in the shadows with the wallflowers
- He likes Halloween parties, but he's not really a people person
- You can find him leaned up against the wall by the drink table, red solo cup in hand
- He makes small talk with the more shy party goers
- He's notorious at parties, especially Halloween ones, for being the guy girls can go to to get out of someone trying to hook up with them or make an unwanted advance

2p Russia:
- He really just wants to be left alone while he's there
- If someone attempts to make conversation with him, he'll oblige them
- You can bet he's going to try to excuse himself at some point and not return to that location until he's sure they've moved on to talk to someone else
- He probably brings a book with him and tries to find a quiet place to read

2p England:
- He dresses up as something cute
- He's probably the one who's hosting the Halloween party
- In that case, he's constantly in the kitchen making sure food and drinks are stocked so that his guests do go hungry or become dehydrated
- He enjoys making conversation with people and taking pictures to commemorate the night
- He gets embarrassed if someone wants to hook up with him
- He's not about that life, so Oliver politely declines any offer

2p France:
- He doesn't want to be there
- Why'd he even show up anyway?
- Who convinced him?
- He sits on the couch with a glass or bottle of alcohol most of the night
- Most people get the hint to leave him alone and do so
- On the off chance that someone does approach him to talk, they probably want to hook up
- He's cool with that
- He also doesn't dress up
- He thinks he's scary enough so as it is

2p China:
- He's hanging out by the food table most of the night
- He's always got the muchies, high or sober
- That and he's a bit of a foodie, so he wants to try everything available
- If he's not by the food table, he's hanging out with Allen or Lutz if they're there too
- They cause chaos is the best way
- Which may have gotten the cops to show up to the parties a few times
- He tries to sing karaoke if the host had it set up

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