Demon Headcanons

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BisexualdangerNoodle: Demon headcanons and the usual line up, but add in Austria.


2p Italy:
- Short black horns that curve outward slightly
- Pointed nails
- His canines are slightly longer
- Incubus
- Loves to wreak havoc

2p Romano:
- Horns are slightly longer than Luciano's and are light gray
    - They stick straight up
- He files his nails down, but they usually look pointed if he doesn't
- Canines are normal sized
- He is also and incubus
    - Sometimes will change into a succubus for shits and giggles
- He likes to mess around with all genders

2p Germany:
- Long yellowish-brown horns that loop once and point backwards
- He likes to keep his nails trimmed
    - He can't pet cats with sharp nails, now can he?
- His canines are long enough that they will poke over his bottom lip when he smiles
- He haunts houses with cats and single women in them mostly
- Occasionally reveals himself to humans to talk

2p Prussia:
- Long horns that curve back with a black to white gradient from base to tip
- His nails have a gentle point to them
- The tips of his canines just poke over his bottom lip all the time
- He's a very docile demon
- Often reveals himself to people because he gets lonely

2p Japan:
- Short black horns
- Long nails that he paints black
- Short canines
- He haunts the artsy kind of people
- Likes to mess with art in museums
    - Generally will tilt paintings


2p America:
- Medium length brown horns with a single loop that shoots the points off to the side
    - He's missing one though
- Likes to keep his nails sharp but short
- Just like he's missing a horn, he's missing a canine
    - Regular sized canines
- He likes to possess people
- Usually hangs around with women when he wants to reveal himself

2p Canada:
- Short yellowish-white horns, straight
- Short trimmed nails
- Longer than average canines
- He haunts forests and looks out for the animals in them
- Possesses poachers and makes their deaths look like an accident or suicide

2p Russia:
- Medium length black horns that curve to the side
- Likes to keep his nails long but rounded
- Has canines about the same size as Matt's
- He doesn't like to social with anyone very much
- Usually hangs around in libraries and fixes bookshelves and punishes people who don't put books back where they got him
    - How hard is it to put a book back? Seriously

2p England:
- Short white horns that stick out towards the side
- Keeps his nails short but pointed
- Has the same situation as Gilen in terms of fangs
- He secretly helps in bakeries
    - Does things like making sure they use sugar instead of salt
- Sometimes haunts orphanages and plays with the little kids

2p France:
- Long dark gray horns that curve back
- Long pointed nails
- Long canines
- He really doesn't do anything as a demon except posses people and have sex
- With that said, he's an incubus

2p China:
- Short red horns that curve forward
- Keeps his nails short and rounded
- Regular sized canines
- He loves to mess around with drug dealers
- Generally with move around cargo and switch it with another load that was supposed to be shipped somewhere else

Special Guest

2p Austria:
- Long horns with a black to red gradient from the base to the tip
- Keeps his nails long with a slight tip
    - Paints them black or red
- Medium length canines
- He lives his life like he was a regular human
    - A regular human that was a rockstar
- He travels all the time and when he's not touring he's possessing musicians for fun.

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