Christmas With Significant Other's Family Headcanons

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2p Italy:
- He's nervous for once in his life
- Scared of what your family will think of him
- He tries desperately to hide the fact that he's a Mafia Boss
- He buys presents for everyone
    - Kiss up much?
- He tries to stay as close to you as possible the entire time
- He panics when you leave him alone with a few of your family members
- He eventually gets comfortable but still clings to you if you try to leave him

2p Romano:
- He is the king of confidence when it comes to meeting your family
- He brings a lot of extravagant gifts with him for your family
- He's up front with them about his job as a fashion designer
    - Any female relatives are all over him and begging for him to make them an original piece of clothing
- Helps whoever is cooking in the kitchen
- He plays any party games that are planned, some less willingly than others
- Stages a small fashion show with the kids in your family

2p Germany:
- The kids in the family love him
    - They use him as a jungle gym since he's pretty tall and buff
- Your parents think you and him make a cute couple
    - The dreaded question of "when am I getting grandkids" comes from your father jokingly but seriously from your mother
- He makes up some crazy story about how he got his scars
    - Your family finds great entertainment in it

2p Prussia:
- He has a panic attack right before meeting your family
- He's worried that they won't like him
- You're constantly calming him down before the two of you even reach the door
- When you get inside, your parents hug you and him
    - He awkwardly hugs them back before clinging to you
- Some other relatives crowd around him and start asking him questions
    - He gets so overwhelmed that he nearly faints
- He adjusts to your family eventually and becomes good friends with a few of your younger male relatives

2p Japan:
- He's fairly relaxed about meeting your family
- He puts on a good front, but he's not afraid to be himself in front of them
- He attempts to not make perverted remarks or jokes
    - A couple slip out, but only you usually hear him say them
- He's not used to eating with a fork, but he manages to suffer through dinner without chopsticks
    - He deems the dinner very untraditional to his culture
- His tattoos are out for all family member to see
    - The kids think it's really cool that he uses his skin as "a coloring book"


2p America:
- He slicks back his hair, but that stubborn cowlick of his refuses to stay down
- You parents didn't mind that he had a few piercings
- He behaved himself for a change and refrained from inappropriate comments and jokes
- Your male relatives got into deep car conversations after they saw he drove up in a black 1959 Buick Invicta Convertible
    - The guys schedule a night to go out on the town
- He gets along well with your family overall

2p Canada:
- Did somebody say nice clothing?
- You somehow manage to convince him to ditch the flannel shirt and jeans to go meet your family and wear a button down and dress pants instead
    - He hates every second of it
- The kids in your family are all over him, using him as a jungle gym
- He gets asked why he has his hair so long
- Your female relatives are all jealous of how cute of a boy you snatched up
    - They jokingly ask if the two of you had sex yet and how good it must have been
    - You turned many shades red out of embarrassment
- Because he's so tall, your mother asks him to get the good tableware out from the top of the one cabinet
    - Your farther gets a little annoyed by this

2p Russia:
- Secretly brings a flash a high alcohol concentration Vodka to help him get through the visit since he's not a people person
    - Periodically spikes his drinks when no one is looking
- He's surprised at how open you are with your family, but he's happy that you're happy
- He's very awkward when talking with your family
    - He's like this with most people when they first meet
- Your cousins, mainly the females, marvel at how tall he is
- Your father offers to take his coat, but he says he's cold and wants to keep it on
    - He just says that so he can keep his Vodka flask hidden

2p England:
- He gives everyone a warm hug upon greeting
- He insists on helping in the kitchen
- Brings at least three different kinds of dessert and presents for everyone
- Your mother fawns over how much of a sweetheart he is
    - Meanwhile your father questions your taste in men
    - Your mother gives him a look that could kill for being rude
- Oliver is just a bubbly mess the entire time
- Talks nonstop
- Tells some of the best Christmas stories

2p France:
- He really didn't want to go to your parent's house for Christmas
- You talk in into going by telling him that there would be a lot of alcohol
    - He was ready quickly to leave after that
- He made himself look presentable to meet your family, but that's because you asked him to nicely
    - There might have been a bribe involved
- Your family wasn't really sure what to make of him
    - They warmed up to him as they day continued
- He tried to be social, but some of your family just annoyed him too much
- He drank so much that your family thought he was going to get alcohol poisoning

2p China:
- He was the life of the Christmas party
- He promised you that he'd leave all drugs at home
- He sobered up for a week for this day, which felt like an eternity to him
- He made a good impression on your family
- Did someone say ridiculous and entertaining stories?
    - He had so many to tell
- He tells them all about his traditions for the Chinese New Year hat he hopes to share with you
    - One of which is going back to China for a week to participate in the festivities
    - Your parents didn't seem to keen on the idea of you leaving for China, but Zao convinced them that he'd take good care of you over here


2p Finland:
- Your family decided to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve instead of the actual day
- Thurston refused to go initially because he IS Santa and he had his rounds to make that night
    - You convinced him to go with the promise of wearing his favorite pair of your pajamas for him all day on Christmas
        - It's a pair of red, silky pajama shorts and a tank top that had white faux fur trim with "Santa's Helper" written on the butt of the shorts
            - His brother, Egil (2p Iceland), had them custom made for you
- When you showed up at your parent's house, they hugged you both tightly
    - He stiffened, not likening being hugged by people he didn't know
- You made the introductions for everyone
- He was on edge the entire time, trying to formulate a plan to leave
    - He was hoping to do so before dinner, but that never happened
- He awkwardly sat at the table with you and your family, and tried to leave around six so he could prepare
- Your family insisted that he stay, but he had to go
- They grew suspicious of him, but he made up an entire story about how his work was very strict and he had deadline to meet by the end of the night
    - They bought it and let him go, but you went with him, promising your parents that you'd return later that night after doing some quick prep work at home for Santa
- He saw him off that night before he left to deliver presents, then went back to spend more time with your family

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