NSFW Alphabet Headcanons - 2p Italy

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Anonymous: Can you do the NSFW Alphabet for Luciano?

~Just a friendly warning, if you've never seen the NSFW Alphabet before, it's very sexual. If you're uncomfortable with sexual topics, please read at your own risk or do not read it at all.~

A: Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

He's smug at first and really prideful, but after you fall asleep, he's contemplative. He'll watch you with a gentle gaze as you sleep, letting his fingertips dance over your skin as he thinks about what the two of you just did. Once he's ready to sleep, he'll pull you close to his chest and hold you close.

B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

Theirs: His ass

Partner: Your eyes

C: Cum (Anything to do with cum basically.... )

He likes to be fairly clean with sex, but occasionally he likes to see you covered in the stuff.

D: Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory)

When the two of you originally started dating, Luciano didn't think the relationship would last very long and assumed that you'd maybe be together for a month or two before calling it all off. He did, however, know that you had the nicest pair of assets he'd ever seen and took pictures of you naked when you were unknowing. He still has these pictures and will occasionally use them to masterbate when you're not in the mood or aren't around.

E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)

For being as suave of an Italian as he is, he's pretty inexperienced. He does, however, know what he's doing.

F: Favorite Position (Goes without saying)

He likes missionary so he can look you in the eyes while you go at it.

G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment or are they humorous?)

For the most part he's pretty serious in the moment, but he will sometimes crack a joke during sex if the opportunity presents itself.

H: Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes?)

He takes pride in his entire appearance and tries to keep himself very well groomed down below at all times, and the carpet does match the drapes for the most part. It's just a little darker than his hair.

I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)

He likes to keep as much eye contact during sex as possible. People can easily fake movements and noises, but he uses your eyes to see if you really are enjoying it.

J: Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)

He doesn't do it often, but if you get him aroused or if he was already aroused and you aren't in the mood, he had no other choice if he doesn't want his pants to be tight anymore.

K: Kink (One or more of their kinks)

-Knife play

-Breath play

L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)

He likes to keep it in the bedroom or on the couch, but he's not opposed to shower sex or pinning you up against a wall and doing it there.

M: Motivation (What turns them on)

Teasing is a huge turn on for him unless it goes on for too long. Lip biting is another turn on. Shirts that show cleavage also will do the trick.

N: No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)

Do not call him any variant form of his name during sex. That means no Luci or Lu-Lu. He hates it with a passion and instantly converts his lust to anger.

O: Oral (Prefence in giving or receiving, skill)

He prefers to receive oral, but he'll gladly administer it too. He very skilled with his mouth and tongue, pulling as much pleasure from you as possible.

P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)

He's more of a lover type and likes to be slow and sensual. He wants to make love. If he gets in the mood when he's angry, the sex will be more rough.

Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often?)

Quickies aren't really his thing. As aforementioned, he likes to be slow and sensual with sex. If he does have a quickie, it's maybe two to three times a year.

R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

He's willing to experiment so long as you are. If you've got something you want to try, he'll do it so long as it's not something that will get one or both of you seriously hurt.

S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last?)

He can go for quite some time depending on what kind of sex it is. If it's rough sex, maybe a round or two. If it's sensual sex, he could go for two to three rounds.

T: Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)

He definitely owns toys, but they're all for you. He'll use them on you every once in awhile when he wants to be a big tease.

U: Unfair (How much they like to tease?)

He's big on teasing. He'll tease you for an entire day until you are begging him for sex.

V: Volume (How loud are they, what sounds they make?)

He's not very loud. He'll be at about his usual vocal level when he grunts or moans. Sometimes he'll growl too, but that if you do something he doesn't like.

W: Wild card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)

He secretly likes to have his hair pulled.

X: X-Ray (Let's see what going on in those pants, pictures or words)

He's about six inches in length. He doesn't have a lot of width, but it has a slight curve towards him.

Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive)

He likes sex. He likes it a lot, probably more than he should, but he'll only go for sex about once a month, maybe once every two months. It all depends on his mood and your mood. Sometimes he'll go on a sex splurge and want it for an entire week, other times he'll go three to four months without it.

Z: ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)

It takes him awhile to fall asleep afterwards because that's when he reflects on himself and you and what the two of you just did. He might think about it your relationship is healthy or not.

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