When You Get Pet Together Headcanons (2p Allies & 2p Nordics)

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Anonymous: I was thinking maybe when you get a pet together with the 2p Allies and 2p Nordics?


2p America:
- Dog: Rottweiler
- The dog was your choice, but Allen got to pick the breed
- He spoils the dog rotten and trains them
- Sometimes the dog gets more attention from the both of you than you get from each other
- The dog thinks they're a lap dog sometimes
- They usually sits on Allen's lap when he's on the couch
- They have a large selection of dog toys

2p Canada:
- Dog: Newfoundland
- Matthieu technically already has Kuma, but he wanted something a little more tame to have as a pet with you
- There was also the fact that Kuma would probably eat anything like a cat or small dog, so it had to be a big breed
- Similar to Allen's dog, the Newfoundland thinks that they are Matt's lapdog and will sit on him when on the couch
- Matt is used to this since Kuma used to do this all the time (and occasionally still does)
- They get groomed regularly because of how furry they are
- He likes to sleep on the bed with you guys
- This makes Kuma jealous a lot

2p Russia:
- Fox: Silver Fox
- He didn't want a regular house pet, and you thought it could be fun to go exotic
- The Silver Fox is bred legally in Russia, so it wasn't too difficult to obtain one
- They can take care of themself for the most part
- They love to get belly rubs
- Viktor sometimes will have the fox curled up in his lap while he reads a book or is doing paperwork
- You train them to do little tricks by uskng treats as an incentive

2p England:
- Fish: Goldfish
- Neither of you are home very often, so a fish was the way to go
- The fish is in the kitchen in their own little aquarium on the counter
- This is a problem when you and Oliver playfully get into a flour fight while baking
- Results in having to clean the tank more often
- Eventually he two of you get a few more fish and a bigger aquarium so your first fish wouldn't get lonely
- This was Oliver's idea

2p France:
- Cat: Sphinx
- He has a mild fur allergy, and didn't want anything that had fur
- You managed to talk him into the Sphinx, which is essentially hairless except for some soft peach fuzz
- He thought it looked ugly at first, but he warmed up to them soon enough
- He helps with giving it a bath every week or so
- He's against putting the cat into sweaters when it's colder, but he does it anyway
- You sometimes come home to him passed out on the couch with the cat sleeping on his chest, one hand on the cat's back

2p China:
- Rabbits: Two Mini Lops
- You both wanted something cute with short hair
- He had the idea of getting a rabbit, but you said to get two so that they wouldn't get lonely
- They have a pretty large cage to roam around in
- You both let them out often so they can hop around the house for some exercise
- They are closely watched so they don't get into anything dangerous
- You keep them well groomed at all times
- The one seems to favor Zao more than you


2p Norway:
- Cat: Norwegian Forest Cat
- It's a big old floof
- Who wouldn't want that?
- Except for people with allergies
- The cat you both adopted likes to sit on your shoulder or lay across the back of your neck when you're sitting
- They have this sixth sense of some sort that usually tells them when Loki is about to play with fire
- This results in the cat hiding in cabinets or sitting by the door
- They make one of the best cuddle buddies
- Must have belly rubs
- Surprising for a cat, right?

2p Iceland:
- Birds: Two Rosy-faced Lovebirds
- He wanted to buy a pet for you both that would capture the love between you
- So he bought two Rost-faced Lovebirds
- Those two are inseparable, just like you and him
- The birds like to sing to each other often
- This can get annoying at night when you're trying to sleep
- They like to nuzzle your cheek when you hold them
- Sometimes they'll bite Egil's nose

2p Sweden:
- Chinchilla
- Benard is such a sweet man, and so are you, so what better pet than a sweet little Chinchilla?
- The Chinchilla they adopted is sort of a clean freak
- They can't stand being dirty
- You have to wash your hands before petting or holding them
- They like to curl up on yours or Bernard's head sometimes
- They make a pretty good cuddle buddy most of the time

2p Finland:
- Ferret: Albino Ferret
- He just didn't like the color of a regular ferret and refused to get a cat, dog, or fish
- The ferret doesn't spend a lot of time near window's due to its sensitive eyes
- They'll allow you to dress them up in cute little outfits
- Thurston does not approve of this at all and usually undresses your pet
- You dress them up again when he's not looking
- They like to steal Thurston's place in bed and lay on his pillow
- Thurston is not amused by this

2p Denmark:
- Axolotl
- You both wanted something that was a little bit more involved to help strengthen your relationship
- He also wanted something exotic
- He found the Axolotl a little creepy at first because he couldn't figure out what it was
- Is it a fish? Is it a reptile? Is it a Pokémon?
- He likes them now and takes care of them the most
- Markell likes to dip his fingers in the tank and let the Axolotl swim up and rub against his fingers
- You find them bonding like this cute

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