2p Vampire Prussia With a Vampire Hunter S/O Headcanons

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shut_up_dork: Can I request 2p vampire! Prussia x vampire hunter! reader headcanons set in a classic vampire timeline?

- You honestly weren't prepared to find out that your courting gentleman of two years was a vampire
- And if you think you weren't prepared for that, Gilen was even more terrified to find out that his beauteous lady was a vampire hunter
- The poor boy was absolutely petrified and tried to avoid you at all costs
- The two of you finding out about each other was purely an accident
- You were out on a mission, tracking down a more unruly vampire in the area when you stumbled across Gilen feeding from a doe in the woods
- Gilen thought you were going to kill him for sure, but you didn't
- Your love for him had grown too deep and too strong for you to hurt such a gentle and caring man
- The same could be said for him regarding you
- At first you were extra careful around Gilen, making sure to not bring anything harmful into his house
- Meaning silver, crucifixes, wooden stakes, anything of the sorts
- Gilen attempted to not lose his cool around you and not recoil when you touched him after he found out what you are
- He really thought you would hurt him like you did the other vampires in the neighboring area, but you never did
- You eventually offered to let him feed off you so long as he only took what he absolutely needed
- You can imagine he was apprehensive about the notion of it
- No way he could feed off his beloved! Nuh uh!
- But he was so hungry when you bared you're neck to him, he couldn't help but sink his fangs into you and drink his fill
- And you better believe that it hurt like a bitch for a moment or two until you got used to the feeling
- Gilen always would take care of you after a feeding session
- Makes sure you are properly fed and hydrated as best he can and disinfects where he bit you
- The two of you couldn't be more in love despite your differences

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