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"UGHHHHHHHH!" I roll over and hit dismiss on my alarm. I sit up and look around. First day of school... Lucky me! I stand up and walk over to my closet. I'm not even gonna try to look good today. There is no point! I have nobody to impress. I grab something random and leave my room.

I walk into the bathroom and look through my texts.

I'm picking you up around  6:30 so that we can get something to eat before we get to school 😊





Chill out Brook! I'm alive, I'll be ready around 6:15, so you can come early if you want

Okay, I'll be there around 6:20 then okay?


That's Brook, my best friend since 3rd grade. She honestly is such a handful sometimes. I still love her tho!

Time skip

I got out of the shower and put on my outfit.

I grab a few hairties and put my hair in a messy bun

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I grab a few hairties and put my hair in a messy bun. I put on my glasses and run out of the bathroom. I run into my little brother who had just turned 6 a week ago. "Hey Derek!" I picked him up and twirled him around.

"Why are you up?" He rubbed his eyes and looked back at me. "I couldn't sleep anymore, now I'm too awake!" I laughed. "Don't worry Der, when youre older, you won't be able to even fall asleep for more than 6 hours!" I put him down and ran down stairs.

I waved by to my little bro and left the house. I sat on my doorstep for a while, waiting. Brook drove up to my house and stuck her head out of the window. "Get in loser, we're gonna go eat somethin at McDonald's!" I laughed and ran toward her car.

My smile dropped when I saw that weird kid in the passenger seat. "Brook why is he here?" She looked over at him and told him to get in the back, he moved and I sat down in the passenger seat.

"I thought you knew that me and Jeremy are dating?" She explained. I gave her a disgusted look. "What? You never told me that! He smokes weed!" She gave me a smirk. "So does Connor..." I growled at her and said, "I don't like Connor! I only kissed him in 7th grade because I was a loser and didn't have anything better to do!"

She laughed and started driving. Half way down the road she said "wait... I thought you dated him for like two weeks?" I scoffed and turned toward her. "Yeah, because me and him were both losers! I'm not a loser anymore and he totally freaked out on me when I broke up with him!" She kept quiet until we got to the McDonald's.

Time skip

"Alright loser we are at school!" Brook said getting up and slamming the car door behind her. I got out of the car and walked toward the school. I saw Jenna in her scampy little shorts and crop top that barely passed as a shirt. I scoffed and walked to the gym and sat down where the seniors were supposed to go before the bell rang.

I sat down on the bleachers at the top row. I looked over at the only other kid that was there. He had long brown hair that covered his face. He turned his face toward me and looked pissed. "What do you want you whore?" I cough when I found out who it was. What the hell? That's Connor Murphy! Say something pissy!

"Sorry for staring... I like your hair this year Con." He scoffed and mumbled, "stop acting like we are friends! You hate me! I hate you! Let's keep it that way." I looked at him sadly. "I don't hate you Connor! Sure you creep me out sometimes, but that doesn't mean that I hate you..." He looked at me and stood up. "What did you just say?" I looked up at him scared.

"I said that I don't hate you..." He laughed and then scowled. "I meant the other thing." "Oh... You creep me out sometimes." He got really pissed. "Take that back you whore..." I laughed. "Stop calling me a whore..." "You're a dumb whore who selfish and is incapable of think of other people feelings."

I felt a tear roll down my face. I started crying uncontrollably. Connors expression softened. "I'm sorry, I-I'm really sorry. Please don't cry!" He sat down by me and waited for my crying to calm down. "You hurt my feelings Connor!" He sighed. "I'm sorry..." He got up and walked away. The bell rang and I ran down the bleachers and out of the gym.

I ran over to Brook and cried in her shoulder. "What happened Y/n? WHO HURT YOU?!" I lifted my head and sniffed. "N-nobody! P-please don't H-hurt anyone!" I wiped my eyes and and walked away. I ran into first period after I fixed my makeup. "Ah Y/n... You're late. Your seat is by Mr. Murphy over there." Mrs. K... Nobody likes her.

I sat down by Connor and glared at him. He looked over and handed me a note. I opened it. It read, 'sorry for making you cry this morning. I feel like shit. We have a project together, you missed that part of class. Meet me after school so that we can do the project at my place.

P.s. I like your jacket.'

Someone snatched the note out of my hand. I looked up to see Mrs. K. She slammed the note on my desk. "I would normally give you a detention, but since it's the first day of school... And you project partner wanted to fill you in on what you missed............ I let it slide." She walked away and went back to teaching.

This is gonna be one hell of a day!

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