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I rolled over and threw my alarm clock across the room. I looked at my phone.




"Ive been trying to wake you up for half an hour! I've been calling you for half an hour! We are gonna be late to school!"

"SHIT! I'll be ready in 15 minutes!"

I hung up and ran to my closet grabbing out random clothes to wear for today and throwing them on.

I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair really quick before sprinting downstairs

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I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair really quick before sprinting downstairs. I saw Connor and hugged him. "Thanks for waking me up Con! I owe you big time!" I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door, Connor following behind me.
We got into his car and he sped down the street.

Time skip

We ran into first period gasping for air and sweating. Con started to speak up. "Sorry that we are late Mrs. K! Y/n and I were out getting you this nice gift of appreciation because you occasionally let us in with an excused tardy." Connor pulled a bar of chocolate from his hoodie.

We sat down and Mrs. K sat there for a while, confused that Connor was being a decent child this morning. "When the hell did you get that for her Connor?" He shrugged and laughed. "I always have candy in my hoodie if I am ever late to class."

Time skip

I was at my locker putting on more lip balm when a huge crowd surrounded something chanting on for them to fight. I closed my locker and shoved my way through the crowd and saw Connor beating the hell out of a kid with a broken arm.

I ran toward them and pushed Connor away from the kid. Connor broke down sobbing and sat on the floor in a ball. I decided to check on the other kid first.

"I am so sorry about Connor, he is never like this!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. He stumbled a little bit buy stood hunched. "I-its okay I g-guess... My name is Evan... Would you m-mayhe wanna sign my c-cast?"

He held out a black sharpie for me to sign his cast. I looked at the cast and saw 'Connor' written in huge letters. I wrote my name right below it. I handed him the sharpie and ran over to Connor.

He was still sobbing. The crowd had gone to class while us three were sitting in the middle of the hallway. I lifted Connors head and looked at his bloodshot eyes. "Please tell me what the fuck happened before I bitch at you for beating that poor kid!"

Connor started coughing and then swallows the lump in his throat. "H-He called m-me a f-freak, and then he w-wrote a creepy s-sex letter about my s-sister..." Evan quickly stepped in.
"I didn't call you a freak! I would n-never do that! All I did was cough! And it wasn't a sex letter! I just have a crush on your sister..." I signaled for Evan to go to class.

I grabbed Conners arm and pulled him up. I saw something red on his arm. I rolled his sleeve up to see multiple new scars on his arms.

"C-connor..." He quickly rolled his sleeve back down. "It's not what you think it is y/n!" "THEN WHAT IS IT CONNOR!? I thought you we're getting better! I thought that I made you happy!" "You do make me happy! You're the reason that im still alive!" There was a long pause.

I grabbed his hand and ran out to his car dragging him behind me.

Time skip

We walked into my room. After making sure that nobody was here, Connor pulled a joint out of his pocket and was about to light it. He saw me glaring at him, so he put it back in his pocket.

"Connor... I wasn't at school for a day last week and I couldn't participate in cheer practice... I wanted to show you why." I lifted the sleeves of my flannel to show a bandage going around my wrist, soaked in blood. I started lightly crying.

"Do you know how much it actually hurt me to do this? Emotionally?" There was a pause. "I hate myself because I did this! I should have never been born! I should have killed myself a long time ago! But I am somehow convincing myself that I am a very happy and joyful person who doesn't care about stupid things like depression and anxiety! I HATE MYSELF CONNOR!"

I wiped the tears off of my face. Connor jumped onto me. Hovering over me while making out with me. Although I was surprised, I didn't act like it. Soon things got pretty heated...

Time skip

I woke up very cold VERY sore. I sat up in pain. Connor sat up and helped me. He grabbed his shirt from the end of the bed and put it on me. Connor coughed to break the silence.

I quickly responded. "You were my first..." I smiled and him and cuddled next to him. "You were my first too y/n..."

You're My Favorite Freak (Connor Murphy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now