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"Y/N M/N L/N! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!" My Mom shouted from across the room. I rolled over in my bed, Connor hiding under the sheets.

I sat up and wiped my eyes. "Hey mom, you're actually home for once!" I said groggily. "I knew that you weren't a virgin, but I didn't expect you to have sex in my house!" Did she really just say that???

"Excuse me? YOU thought that I wasn't a virgin?! How fucking rude and selfish of you! Whenever in not here, I'm with Connor or Brooke doing homework or watching tv!"

"What if Derek was home?! He would have been traumatized!" "But he isn't here mom! He's at his friends!" She paused for a minute.

I felt connor move under the blanket. "Get your ass out if my daughters bed Murphy!" Connor quickly made sure his underwear was on, and stood up grabbing his other clothes. "Mom why can't I just have a normal life?! Doing normal teenage things like having sex and studying for big tests coming up!"

"I am not going to punish you and Connor for what you have done... But you have to wash your own bedding AND get an A on your next quiz. I have work, I'll be home around 2 in the morning." She walked out if the room and closed the door behind us.

Connor sat down next to me. "I hope that what we did doesn't change anything about us..." It made me upset, what he just said. "I want a relationship with you Connor! Damnit I want to date you for Christ's sake! I love you Connor! Can't you fucking tell!?" He was shocked that I had yelled at him.

"I love you too, and I would love to date you, but..." "But what Con?" He sighed. "But... I will ruin your life and popularity. I will just make your life spiral downhill from now on." I smiled at him and cuddled up next to him.

"I'm willing to make that sacrifice."

You're My Favorite Freak (Connor Murphy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now