Reaching the heights

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"I wish Hasan you could be here and see how much good your Son is doing in life, how he has reached to such level that today he is getting a Best Business Tycoon of the year award. How happy he is today, how happy I am, I can't even describe in words. I wish you were here to celebrate our happiness, without you all this feels incomplete. Why do you have to leave so soon Hasan? Answer me Hasan, why did you left us?"

Dilshad s fighting with her Husband, Hasan's photo frame, for leaving her alone. She is crying because she wanted him to be here as it is a very special day for their family, his only son is going to be awarded for the best Business Tycoon. She was happy and sad at the same time, because this  day she was missing her husband a lot...

"Ammi, Tamatar, where are you both? We are getting late for the function. Please be quick." Asad entered in the hallway, calling for his mother and his sister. He is looking very charming in black three piece suit with the red Tie. That intense look  in his eyes, was making him more handsome, he is some one the girls will die for...

"Uf Allah, Bro Jani, you are always rushing us. Can't you let me get ready in peace. It's a huge award function, there will be so many big people we should look proper at least and you are just rushing us. I understand you are getting a award today and patience is not your best virtue right now. But chill, they aren't going to handover your award to someone else." Najma started giggling.

Asad- You shut up Tamatar we aren't going to attend your reception party that you have to take so much time to get ready and also simple and sober girls looks best. 

Najma- Yeah yeah, okay fine it's not my reception. But is it yours? As you are a little too much ready for this award function. Tell me?

Asad- Tamatar now you will get a scolding from me, move.. Where is Mom, why is she not here yet.

He gives a small pat on her head and move towards Dilshad's room to call her... It is a very big day for him He doesn't want to get late.

Asad- Ammi you are not ready yet? I am waiting for you since so long. 

Dilshad- No Son, I am ready and was just coming out only. Mashallah, you are looking so handsome today. Evil eyes off. May Allah Swt bless you with loads of happiness. Aameen.

She  kissed his forehead, he noticed her wet eyes and got worried as he noticed that she was crying.

Asad- Ammi, were you crying?

Dilshad- Of course not Son. It's just that I am missing your Father today, so my eyes got moist. 

She wiped her tears from her Shawl... Asad hold  her hands and places a small kiss on them.

Asad- Ammi, Tamatar and I are also missing Abbu so much today. I wish he was here to watch his son like this, I am sure he would have been so happy today. But Ammi if you will be upset today then how will I be able to celebrate this victory? You know right, you and Najma are my whole world. So, just smile a little for me please. 

Dilshad put her hand on his cheek and smiled, he hugged her and they both came in Hall, where Najma was waiting for them, she came and hugged both of them and then they left for the Function.


This was my very first story that I wrote in 2018 and there were several mistakes in it. So I have decided to edit this. I hope the edited chapter will be much better and will grab good audience. Please do vote and comment this time. 

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