A sunny day after heavy storm

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"Sheerin, Sheerin please get me a hot paratha, now I can not wait any long, hunger is getting me. Where is my little Princess? I haven't seen her since morning."   Rashid is sitting on dining table and waiting eagerly for his favorite paratha to be served by Sheerin.....

"Oho Rashid I am preparing that only, be a little patience. And about your Princess, she is in her room only. Call her also..."

Farooqui family was way too happy after yesterday's phone call, they were excited to meet their family after 12 long years, tickets were already booked, packing has been started, shopping plans has been made... Everything is set, everyone is happy... But there was one person who is not really happy with the decision and that is Zoya Farooqui.

"Allah Miyan, what's wrong with me? Ammi and Abbu are so happy and why not after so many years they are finally going to see Phuppo. It's not like I am not happy, cause I am. My phups is world's best Phuppo. I remember how much she use to pamper me when I was a kid. Najma my cousin sister, I remember how sweet she was. She always shared her toys with me. But Allah miyan I am not going to see only those two people in that house. There  is also that, mean, arrogant, Hitler Asad. At the age of 15 he had such a bad attitude so now it would have turned worst I am sure. I don't want to meet him, not at all..." Downstairs Rashid and Sheerin were busy being overjoyed about going to India, and here their only daughter was busy in complaining to Allah about her cousin Asad.

Asad and Zoya were totally opposites to each other, He is calm and reserve, while she is a bundle of joy. He speaks less, while she speaks a lot more. He creates the rules for living while she believes in breaking all the rules. So from childhood only there was never peace between these two. They never became good friends....

Rashid- Zoya dear, don't you plan to come down and eat food with us?

Zoya- Assalamoalaikum Abbu-Ammi

Sheerin- Walekum Assalam Ammi's lifeline..

Rashid- Walekum Assalam, what happened today my daughter took so much time in coming down, all okay?

Zoya- Don't know about all but yeah I do have a verse(sher) to explain why I am late. Will you listen? ( she wink)

Rashid- Yes of course, Irshad Irshad

Zoya- So, Arz kia hai,  "Ammi jan kaha karti hai, badhi ho gai ho tm yad rakho apne faraiz. But every time I forget going early to bed and early to rise..." (she laughs heartily)

Rashid- Wow, wow. Very good...

Zoya- Thank you, thank you... 

Sheerin-  Uff Allah, now if you both are done with your daily dose of stupidity then quickly finish off the food. We have to go market also, did you forget we have to shop for everyone. So be quick...

Zoya- I remember Ammi, don't worry let's finish this then we will leave for the market okay...


Meanwhile in Shaad villa, the scene was quite same. Najma and Dilshad's happiness knows no boundaries, while Asad was angry, frustrated over her mom's decision, he still cant believe her mom could do this. He has not talked to her after that phone call. Dilshad knew he is angry, but she knows he will come around. It will take some time but he will surely accept his Mamu and his family. Asad is like this only from childhood. If he love some one, than he do it from his heart but if started hating you, he will leave no stone unturned to make your life hell...

Asad was leaving for office without having his breakfast when Dilshad stops him.

Dilshad- Asad first have your breakfast, then go wherever you have to go. 

Asad- Ammi I am not hungry.

Dilshad- Yeah fine, but eat at least a little bit only. Your stomach need something to get you going whole day and I am not letting you leave before you eat. So come sit here, I will serve you.

She started feeding him from her hand. Asad loves her a lot and he cannot stay upset from her any longer, so he quietly started eating...

Dilshad- Are you upset with me?

Asad- No...

Dilshad- Ohkay, so now you have start lying from your own mother.

Asad- How can you forgive him Ammi? You called him home, why?

Dilshad- Because can we stay happy by keeping a grudge for our own family in our heart? From past 12 years, we are punishing us also and them also for the mistake, that he never did.

Asad- No Ammi, it was his mistake only and you might forgive him but I will never forgive and never forget what he did.

He left the food and got up with a jerk and was about to leave when Dilshad hold his hand...

"Not for your Ammi also? I don't know how much more I have to live. So, what you want that I leave the world without seeing him? Without seeing my brother?" she started crying and that was it. He cant see her crying, he can do everything for her, just to make her happy even if its accepting them also...

"When is their flight? I will take a leave from work. I will go and pick them." He said with a little smile and that was enough for Dilshad. She kissed his forehead and murmured a thank you and he left for office with too many thoughts in his mind, something is going to change forever and he had no idea, what is it...


So another shot done......... cant believe i posted 3 chapters in a week................. but still no happy response from readers................ plz plz plz read my story and share your feedbacks through vote and comment............. let me know, can i be a good writer? should i continue writing or should I stop this story here itself......... Please gyz do vote and share it really means a lot to me........... Thanks..........

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