Anything for love

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It was a new day and a big one for both the Ahmad family and the Farooqui family. Yes today is the Nikah of Asher and Najma. The whole Shaad villa was covered with lights, it seems like the villa was decorated like a bride. Everyone was happy, yet too busy in arranging the last minute things. The function was set in a banquet hall. Asad and Rashid were there from the morning looking for the preparations, while Sheerin has strict orders, that no one will give any work to Asher today, as it's his wedding, also he need to rest as he has to travel tomorrow for a long flight. So he was enjoying his time with his Khala and dear sister Zoya.... Zoya was moving to and fro in the house as she has to look after her both beloved cousins. Everything was sorted till now, the dresses, the look everything was decided... All was good here but not in the guest room, nothing was okay in the guest room.... As Tanveer was looking for a new plan to get rid of Zoya, she just want her to send so far that she can never Approach her Asad. She was walking restlessly in the room. Something clicked in her mind which made her smile and she started to leave when Razia who was noticing her from past 10 minutes hold her hand and stopped her...

Razia - Where are you going?

Tanveer - What do you mean, I am just going out or else where will I go? Leave my hand Ammi.

Razia - You will not go anywhere just stay inside this room quietly. You think I don't know what you did yesterday with Zoya...

Tanveer was shocked, she immediately compose herself...

Tanveer - Uff Allah Ammi, why will I do any such thing? I don't know why you are blaming me? 

Razia - I am your Mother Tanveer and I know you better. See if anyone gets to know about this then they will throw both of us out of this house. Then your dream of marrying Asad and living like a queen in this house will stay like a dream only. That's why I am warning you, don't do any thing stupid. Just wait till this wedding is over then I myself will take your proposal to Dilshad. But till then, stay calm...

She nodded her head in a yes. Razia left from there thinking she had handled the situation but she was wrong. Tanveer was adamant to remove a thorn named Zoya from her life and she knew what she has to do now.

Apart from both of the ladies, there was one more person who witnessed their conversation and was fuming in anger...


It was 6 in the evening and everyone was almost ready for the function. Asad and Rashid were already at the venue. Dilshad had came with their clothes, so that they can change there only. Sheerin was at home with the girls and also with our groom. Beautician and Zoya were helping our Bride to get ready, while Sheerin was helping her son. Who was looking Dashing in that attire...

 Who was looking Dashing in that attire

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