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A/n: This was one of those time where I sat down to write and what I intended to write didn't happen. However, I kind of like what did come out. It's a long one too!

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Love lots, -AV

Detective Hoying and his partner enter the autopsy room after being paged by Dr. Olusola.

"Kev, you've got cause of death for us?"

"I do Avi. Arsenic poisoning."


"Yup, almost didn't find it. The traces were very low. But I'm certain it's what killed him. Time of death was approximately four days ago."

Scott was busy looking the body over as Avi and Kevin continued to converse about the guy on the slab. Male, late twenties, brown hair. Not much else they know about him so far except someone killed him. Scott enjoys the challenge of finding murderers, but even he needs a bit more to go on.

"Any other evidence on him?"

"There's some peri-mortem bruising on his knuckles and he's got some gashes on his arms and face, they look like they could have been caused by fingernails. He was in some kind of altercation before he died. I found some cells under his nails too. I'm going to have Kirstin swab for any particulates. With any luck we'll be able to extract some DNA."

Scott rejoined the pair to ask about the victim's identity.

"We're waiting to see if anything comes back from the prints and dentals. I'll let you know as soon as I get something."

"Thanks. Well Av let's get out of here and get to work. We need to start looking to see how easy it is to get a lethal amount of arsenic."

"Coming," Avi called, turning back to Kevin to peck his lips.

"Will you be home for dinner?"

"Not sure, ask Scotty."

Kevin looked over at Scott with raised eyebrows questioning the lead detective. 

"Sorry Kev, your boy's with me tonight."

Avi looked apologetically at his fiance before planting a final kiss on his cheek and leaving with his boss.


The following day Dr. Maldonado-Lewis called the pair into her office at the lab. She had the identity of the victim as well as found a piece of fingernail not belonging to the victim from the wounds on the guy's arms.

Victim, 28 year old Travis Bush. Last known address was in Alexandria, Virginia. He was a lawyer, and a good one at that. His legal clerk had reported him missing two days ago. 


The legal clerk was the first place for the pair to really start their investigation. Scott, as always took the lead in questioning the man. 

"Mr. Kirk, how are you today?"

"Alex, please. Do you have any news about Travis?"

"Actually, Alex, we are sorry to inform you that Mr. Bush's body was found."

Alex broke down in sobs at the news. The detectives exchanged a glance, knowing there was some underlying meaning. This man was not simply an employee of their victim. Avi took up the questioning.

"Mr. Kirk., would you care to explain your relationship with the victim?"

"Travis was my boss..." The man looked up at the two agents and bit his lip before continuing. "...And my boyfriend."

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