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A/n: Part 2 to Screech!

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"What do you mean it's shattered?!?" Mitch heard Scott screaming as he made his way down the hall. The brunette broke into a run to find out what was wrong with his fiance. When he got to the door he saw Scott, sobbing and Dr. Reed standing at the foot of the bed. He quickly made his way over to the blonde taking the boy's hand and kissing the engagement ring that he had put there only hours ago.

"What's wrong baby boy? Why are you crying?"

"Dr. R-reed said m-my ankle is shattered. Like tons of pieces, like broken completely."

The doctor spoke up, "it is repairable though. We would have fixed during his last surgery but there was so much other damage that was more pressing. We can go in as early as tomorrow and reset the bones. I can call up an orthopedic surgeon if you'd like to speak with them. They'll be able to answer your questions far better than I can."

Mitch nodded and thanked the man before climbing carefully into bed with Scott, he tucked the taller boy's head under his chin and hugged him tightly. After a few moments of hiccuped cries, Scott spoke up.

"Mitchy, what if I can't cheer anymore?"

"Honey, don't focus on that right now. Let's just talk to a surgeon and find out our options."

"But Mitch," Scott looked up to meet the brunette's eyes, "I'm at school on a cheer scholarship, no cheerleading, no tuition."

"I will make sure everything works out, okay?"


Mitch cut the blonde off before he could voice any more concerns, "Yes, you have a nice butt my dear. We aren't talking about worst case scenarios any more. I said it'd be okay and I will make sure it is." 

Scott sniffled, "promise?"

"I promise." Mitch replied as he connected their lips.


A surgeon entered the room a few hours later to find the pair asleep, cuddled against each other. She almost hated to wake them up but she had other patients to see today and was already behind. She gently shook Scott awake, as he stirred Mitch woke too.

"Good evening, my name is Dr. Garcia. I'm the head of ortho here. I hear you want me to look at fixing that ankle of yours."

Scott nodded as Mitch made his way off the bed, the blond grabbing his hand so he didn't go too far away. Mitch smiled and pecked Scott's cheek, taking a place by the head of the bed.

"So, I heard you had a little accident with a car?"

"Yea, he did. I thought I'd lost him forever." Mitch looked down at Scott, as if he needed a reminder that the boy was still alive.

"It's amazing what the human body can endure and still bounce back. But it does seem as if this ankle will need a little bit of help before it's bouncing." Dr. Garcia pulled out a set of X-Rays, placing them on the backlit fixture. "As you can see you shattered your right talus and messed up some of the ligaments near your tibia and fibula."

Scott looked at the screen, he wasn't a doctor but he could tell that the little grayish-white parts were not all in the right places. "Can you fix it?"

"Yes, I can. I can have you in surgery tomorrow morning."

Scott glanced up at Mitch who got the hint of what to ask next, "he's a cheerleader and a gymnast. Will be be able to do stunts again?"

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