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A/n: I really like this universe!

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Love lots -AV

Avi sighed heavily as he looked at his stomach in the mirror. He placed his hand over the bump that was becoming more prominent. They still had nearly a month of school left and he was sure he'd balloon in that time and there'd be no concealing that he was pregnant. He heard Kevin coming in from the bathroom, a towel around his waist. He slipped behind his omega and wrapped his arms around him, kissing the back of his head. The brunette melted into the embrace.

"What are you doing baby boy?"

Avi just shook his head, turning to bury his head into Kevin's chest. The older boy felt a wetness on his chest that he was sure wasn't from his shower. He pulled back to see his boyfriend in tears.

"Honey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Avi shook his head again.

"Omega, answer me." Kevin spoke gently still letting Avi know he needed an answer.

"I-I'm s-so f-fat."

Kevin was shocked, "don't say that about yourself. You are beautiful sweetie. The most beautiful boy I've ever laid eyes on. Why would you even think you're fat?" Kevin tucked a strand of hair behind the boy's ear.

Avi sniffled, "Jessica said I was gaining weight and getting fat."

"Why didn't you tell me when we were at school?"

"Because she's an omega. You couldn't beat her up like you do all those alphas. And she's right, I am gaining weight."

"I could have spoken with her. And I will. But honey, you're not getting fat, you're just starting to show. You're gaining weight because you're carrying our baby. You're keeping them healthy."

Avi nodded but didn't respond anymore. Instead he steps away from his alpha and went to lay down on the bed, pulling Kevin along by the hand. Since telling their parents about the baby the two hadn't spent a night apart. Avi thinks about the day they told his parents.

Michael had completely freaked out, throwing Kevin out of the house. Avi sobbed for hours needing the comfort of his alpha to help him through the emotional night. Kevin, however, never left the house. Michael found him the next morning when he went out for the paper. He invited Kevin in that morning, the boy tired and stiff after sleeping fitfully on the door steps. The two had a talk, Kevin swearing he would take care of Avi and the baby and that he took full responsibility for the pregnancy. Michael swearing if the boy didn't keep his son and grandchild safe that he would murder him. Kevin chuckled humorlessly, he knew the man would not hesitate to do just that.

Later that afternoon Kevin had driven them to his own house. Telling his parents had been much easier. Though they weren't exactly thrilled that the two were in high school, they knew their son would do right by Avi. And they would be there to support the couple and their new addition. Since then they had switched off staying at Avi's and staying at Kevin's. However, Kevin promised that as soon as they graduated, they would find a place of their own.

The alpha noticed Avi in his own little world and questioned it. "I'm just thinking about the day we told our parents about baby Kaplan-Olusola."

"You mean the day I was almost murdered by your father?"

Avi laughed and Kevin relished the sound. The boy had been feeling so sad lately and there wasn't much he could do to help. Hormonal mood swings couldn't be prevented. Avi then snuggled closer to his partner, tucking his head under Kevin's chin and dozing off quickly.

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