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A/n: This is different than most of my stuff and I'm not sure I like it.

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Love lots -AV

Mitch was running late to lunch. It was mostly due to the fact that he had a new friend in tow. The boy walked up to his usual table, his best friends and boyfriend observing the stranger that had a firm grip on the shorter boy's shoulder. It was shocking to see Mitch with anyone outside of his group so the entire cafeteria had eyes on the pair.

"Mitchie, babe, who is this?" Kevin asked, skeptically eyeing the boy clinging to his boyfriend.

"Oh, this is Avi. He's new. He was in my last class so I thought maybe he could sit with us." Kevin shot Mitch a look that let boy know his possessive side was about to show. "It's not even like that Kevy. He's...uhh... can I tell them?"

The longer haired brunette spoke up, "I don't guess they've figured it out yet. The glasses, you leading me... I'm blind."

"Oh, damn. Now I feel like an idiot. Please forgive me."

"No problem. I'm assuming that you're Mitch's boyfriend that he was going on and on about." Avi stuck out his hand allowing Kevin to shake it firmly.

"I would be. And this is Jeremy," Kevin directed Avi's hand into the other boy's before moving it over to Kirstin's, "and Kirstie," and finally Scott."

"Scott... Mitch mentioned you as well. His best friend."

"That would be me." The smooth voice shocked Avi and a flush broke out across his cheeks. "Would you like to sit beside me today?"

"Uhh, sure. I just need to go through and get my lunch first. Mitch can you help me?"

Before Mitch could speak up Scott was already out of his seat volunteering. However, rather than allowing Avi to place his hand on the blonde's should, he simply intertwined them. Scott helped him fill his plate and even paid of his lunch before the pair walked back to the table. He settled the brunette into the chair to his right before jumping into the conversation. He was soon tired of trying to follow the conversations of the two separate couples and turned slightly to chat with the new kid.

"So we are apparently the odd men out. Kevin and Mitch are staring at each other, trying to decide who is going to drive Friday for their date. Kit and Jer are fussing about who should have hung up first last night. Apparently it was Jeremy's turn but he was still wrong to do it. Don't know how that makes sense."

"You know I'm blind, not deaf. I can hear what they're talking about."

"Oh.. I-I sorry."

"Don't be, I was mostly joking."

"Still... could I ask about it or is that rude?"

"Ask about what? My eyes?" Scott nodded but realized Avi couldn't see him so he responded verbally. "It's not rude to ask. You discussed it with me first so go ahead and ask away."

"Were you born blind?"


"Is there a story?"

"Not much of one. Brain tumor pressing on my optic nerve. It got nicked and I've been blind since I was 9."

"Wow. I'm sorry."

"No reason to be. You weren't the once that nicked it. I don't like pity." Avi sounded harsher than he meant to be but it was a bit of a touchy subject.

"I'm going to shut up now because I feel like I'm digging a deeper hole every time my mouth opens."

Avi laughed, trying to lighten the mood. The two continued chatting idly until the end of lunch when Scott offered to walk Avi to his next class, giving Mitch and Kevin a bit of time to make out in the bathroom before either of them were late. Avi thanked Scott by giving his hand a quick squeeze and asking if he'd see him later. Scott agreed to meet up with him after school when Mitch walked him to the parking lot. However, Scott had asked Mitch where Avi's last class was and picked him up himself, surprising the new boy. The pair waited in the pick up line for Avi's sister to get him, Scott had driven to school but promised he didn't mind waiting with him.

"Thank you for all your help today. You didn't have to."

"I wanted to. Hey, maybe tomorrow I could take you home or pick you up or both?"

"That's really sweet of you but I don't know."

"Do you have a phone?"

"I do. It's voice activated."

"Can I put my number in? You can text me later and let me know. Or just text me if you like wanna talk or something."


Avi pulled out his phone. Scott was a bit shocked that it didn't look all that much different than his own. He immediately handed the phone back to the shorter man needing the passcode. Avi simply called out a series of number and an "I trust you." Scott smiled and unlocked the phone typing in the number. Avi's sister pulled up minutes later. Scott escorted Avi to the passenger seat, shocked when the boy turned and held his arms out, motioning for Scott to hug him. He then reached up and felt the blonde's face, finding his cheek, and then pressing a sweet kiss to it. Scott stood dumbfounded.

That afternoon Scott received a text message.

Cutie: Hey sweetheart! Hope you don't mind me calling you that. Pick me up at 7:30? 115 Peachtree Dr

Sweetheart: I absolutely 100% do not mind cutie. I'll be there! Coffee and and doughnuts?

Cutie: Sounds great! Can't wait!

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