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A/n: Not really Scomiche, more Avin and Scavi friendship. Revisiting the alpha/omega universe from Shy.

Considering a part 2 to this later on. Thoughts?

Comment and vote!

Love lots -AV

PS: I published it a day early by accident! So there will be no update tomorrow. Sorry!

Scott had been texting Avi constantly trying to find out why his best friend wasn't at school but was getting nowhere. His boyfriend ensured the omega that Avi was fine and would return to school soon. However, that didn't stop Scott from worrying. He finally convinced his alpha to text Kevin and find out what was up. Kevin just said that Avi was under the weather but that both would return to school after the weekend and asked their friends to keep up with their assignments.

On Monday Scott was sitting in Mitch's lap in the front of the school waiting for the bell. When he saw Avi walking hand in hand with his own alpha Scott jumped up and ran earning a huff from Mitch as he left.

"Av! Oh my God! I missed you so much!"

Avi laughed as he hugged his friend back, "I missed you too Scotty!"

Scott stepped back and took in his friend's haggard appearance. He had deep bags under his eyes and his normally neatly styled hair was unkempt.

"Are you still sick Avi?"

"What? No, not sick. Just tired"

"Why were you really out of school?"

"Ummm... ask alpha Mitch and your parents if you can come home with me today and we'll talk."

Scott was concerned but didn't press, knowing Avi wouldn't give anything away until that afternoon. Of course Mitch and Scott's parents agreed to let him stay over at Avi's that night. After dinner the pair were laying on Avi's bed when he spoke.

"I made a gigantic mistake..."

"What did you do?"

"I forgot my suppressants last week."

"Holy crap-ola!"

"Yea... it triggered my heat."

"Is that..."

Avi just nodded his head.

"And alpha Kevin?"

Avi smiled, "he helped me through it. At first my dad wasn't going to let him. It was part of my punishment for forgetting but then it hurt so bad and all I could do was cry. Finally, dad gave in and called Kevin and made him promise to use protection."

"Your dad let you have s-e-x?!?"

Avi bite his lip and nodded again.

"Oh my god! You have to tell me everything." Scott had gotten up on his knee and was bouncing on the bed.

"It was so perfect Scott. Kevin was so sweet and gentle. It was amazing."

"How many times?!?"

Avi held up four fingers.

"Holy shi... umm holy ship!!"

"It lasted like three days, that's not even a lot." Avi giggles at his friend's excitement. "It was great though."

"I can't wait for the time when Mitchy and I get to share my heat."

"Just don't be dumb and skip the suppressants. I got a punishment from dad and alpha! My bottom still hurts."

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