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A/n: Think Pocahontas.

Love lots -AV

"Kirst, who do you think those men are?" Mitch asked as he peaked through the tall stalks of corn at the people who were unloading a ship just by the shore.

"I don't know. But we must tell your father. They could be a danger to the tribe."

"They don't look dangerous though." He was speaking about a certain man who stood out above the rest, Mitch could tell he was a kindred spirit, a kind soul. "Let's not tell father, not yet anyway. Maybe they'll leave soon."

"Okay, we'll wait a few days but if they're not gone we must tell." Mitch nodded as his friend continued. "Now let's finish gathering so we can go back and finish dinner, Avi and the rest of the hunting group will be back soon and they're sure to be hungry."

Mitch giggled, "when is Avi not hungry."

The following day, Mitch was out in the forest alone, gathering berries and nuts. The small brunette decided he would take a moment and enjoy the day before having to go back to the commotion of his village. He sat by the edge of the river, letting his feet dangle in. He must have dozed off because soon he was startled by rustling.

"Kirstin? Avriel? Is that you?"

Neither of his friends appeared and he chalked the noise up to the wind. However, a few moments later and the sound was back, this time louder.

"Who's there? I demand you answer me. I am the Chief's son, future leader of this tribe."

A man appeared from behind a tree. He was tall and blonde and Mitch was sure he had never seen such blue eyes. He recognized the man from the boat on the shore.

"You were on the boat?"

"You've seen me?"

Mitch nodded, "who are you?"

"Scott... and you?"

"Mitchell... or just Mitch please."

"And you're the chief's son?"

Mitch nodded again.

"Does your father know we're here?"

"No. I saw you but didn't tell. I was hoping you'd leave before conflict started. It never ends well when the ships arrive."

"We're not here to fight."

"They always say that."

"I mean it. I am captain of that ship. Those men follow my orders and I have told them not to lay a hand on any native. They listen to me or they die."

Mitch stared at the man confused, never had the crewman of any ship treated them so kindly. Mitch was right, this man was different.

"Do you think your father would meet with me? To discuss a treaty. I don't want to infringe on your lands. But my men and I have nowhere to go."

"I will ask. Until then stay far away from our village. If my father catches you or your men, he'll take you captive. We don't have a good history with your kind."

Scott nodded, he understand this boy's hesitancy. It was true that his kind had not been the best toward Mitch's tribe.

"I'll speak to father, meet me here the day after tomorrow and I'll bring you news."

Mitch took his two friends as reinforcements when he spoke to the chief, Kirstin because she was his support system, and Avi because he was the lead warrior. He's hoped with their back up that his father would agree to this meeting.

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