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A/n: Back to this universe.

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Love lots -AV

It was Scott's first competition after his injury, nearly four months since that awful day. Not only was he competing with his team but he was also scheduled to perform in the individual division. His coach had tried to talk him out of it, telling him that just doing the team routine would be more than enough. But it wasn't enough for Scott. He felt the need to prove himself, to show that he was back and that this injury was not going to stop him from being the best. Though he wasn't sure if he proving it to those around him or to himself.

Mitch had also tried to talk him out of it but it just lead to an explosion and a screaming match. Mitch ended up taking the couch for two nights while Scott refused to allow him in the bedroom. Of course Mitch eventually caved and came in apologizing saying that he was just concerned for his fiance. Scott understood Mitch's concerns but easily related it back to the concussion the smaller boy received last year during football. Even though it terrified Scott, Mitch was back on the field as soon as he was cleared. The blonde's ankle injury was no different.

Scott was in the locker room, he had on the cardinal red and gold uniform, his teammates were milling about, stretching and getting in the zone before they were called on deck. He was nervously wringing his hands trying to get out all his nervous jitters when he felt a pair of small hands on his shoulders, the looked up and smiled at the pair of familiar brown eyes. Mitch massaged his shoulders a bit before taking a seat beside Scott and grabbing his left hand.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Why would you ask that?"

"Because Scottie, you're tense. You need to relax. I've never seen you like this before a competition. Shouldn't you be stretching with everyone else?"

"Done it already. I had the trainer check out the ankle again before you ask."

Mitch smiled, this boy knew him too well, "was it okay?"

Scott smiled and nodded.

"Good. So you're ready to go?"

The blonde's smile faltered. "I--I don't know. I think I'm nervous. Maybe I should have listened to you and waited."

"No, you shouldn't have. I was wrong. You're ready for this Scott."

"But I haven't felt like this before a comp in years. What if I screw up? Or what if I land wrong and hurt my ankle?"

"Baby stop right there, you're not going to mess up. You know this routine so well you can do it in your sleep. You're the one that choreographed it remember? And you have worked hard to get your ankle back up to where it was before you got hurt. Dr. Garcia said the likelihood of causing more damage is slim to none. You're going to do great."

"I love you Mitchell Grassi."

"I love you more baby boy."

The two shared a quick kiss before USC was called on deck. Scott pulled off his engagement ring, handing it over to Mitch for safe keeping before the brunette made his way out of the locker room to the stands.

The routine went flawless. Scott was mostly in a supporting role, choosing to give others the spotlight. He knew he'd have a chance to shine during individual rounds. It also helped hid the fact that his double back handspring should have been a triple. He just prayed that the judges missed it since there was so many other intricate parts going on simultaneously. Soon enough the music died down and the group ended in it's final formation. Scott worked to dismount the small flyer standing on his shoulders before the team flipped and tumbled off the stage, giving the judges as much spirit as they could muster.

Mitch was on his feet the whole time cheering as loudly as he could, hoping Scott could hear him. As soon as Scott exited the stage, Mitch farted to get backstage and congratulate his boy. He found Scott excitedly chatting with another guy from the team so he snuck up and grabbed him from behind, causing the blonde to yelp.

After a brief kiss, Scott said he needed to go get dressed and have the trainer look at his ankle before he moved on to the individual competition. He only had about an hour before he was scheduled to perform so he rushed Mitch away pushing him back toward the viewing area. The brunette walked away reluctantly, not really wanting to leave his boyfriend.

Scott had gotten changed into the costume for his solo, a plain red leotard with red and gold shorts over the top. He stretched and warmed up even more, still having enough time to do a run through of the routine for his coach. He set off on his first combination of tumbling tricks but missed the landing on the final stunt, landing directly on his ass. He shook it off and got up to try again, messing up once more. He was freaking out. The series of stunts weren't difficult, he had been working on these combos since before his accident, there was no reason not to nail it. Scott kept trying to focus but the more he tried the more mistakes he made, coach finally made him stop saying he needed to chill before his time on the mat. He nodded and made his way over to his duffle to check his phone. He had received several messages from friends and relatives but the most recent stood out.

#73 💚: you're going to do fine baby boy. don't stress. breath, have fun, and stick it! Love you!

Scott smiled, Mitch always knew when he needed cheering up. He locked his phone stood to try once more before going on deck. This time he nails it and takes a deep breath before walking out to the staging area.

Scott Hoying. Junior. USC.

Mitch screams as loud as he can when his fiancé's name is called. People around him are staring at how obnoxious he's being but he could care less. He just wants to make sure everyone around him know that boy is his.

Scott steps to the corner of the mat and breathes in deeply, just as the music starts he releases his breath and takes off in his first sequence. After each landing Mitch screams his support. Though Scott is in the zone, he can make out his lover's voice and he smiles as he enter his last sequence, sticking the land before turning and bowing to the judges.

Mitch runs and tackles the boy in a hug as soon as he steps off stage. "Scottie! You were so graceful up there! I've never seen you fly through the air like that. Seriously like the best performance you've ever given! I'm so, so proud of you baby!"

Scott grins as widely as possible, "you really mean that?"

"Yes! You were fucking fantastic!"

Mitch's sentiments are confirmed by Scott's teammates and coach as they make their way to the couple. Scott is enjoying the pure ecstasy of just coming off of an awesome performance as he soaks in all the compliments. Too soon he has to send Mitch back out so he can get ready for awards.

The team placed second overall. Which they are relatively happy with. It gets them to nationals and that's what really matters. Then it's time for the individual scores. Scott kneels near the stage, each hand gripping a different teammate as they wait for the men's solo to come up.

And first place, with an averaged score of 9.98, from USC, Scott Hoying.

Scott stares wide eyes as his friends shove him on stage to accept his medal. He cannot believe that just months after thinking he would never compete again, he's placed first. He sobbing by the time he leaves the stage and finds Mitch.

The brunette hugs him tightly letting him cry for a moment before pulling back and taking Scott's face in his hands. He kisses him until they're both out of breath.

"I told you. You were great, so graceful and strong. You're perfect. And I am absolutely in love with you."

"I love you too Mitchy... thank you for believing in me."

The two enjoy their own little world as celebrations happen all around them, each too caught up in the moment to care about anything else. Mitch quietly slips on Scott's ring, putting it back it's rightful place.

"I can't wait to make you mine forever Scott Grassi-Hoying."

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