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A/n: I'm not sure where this came from but here you go.

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Love lots -AV

Scott had been called in to speak with a boy that had been brought in last night. The kid looked young but Scott's superiors hadn't been able to get a name or birthday or really anything out of him. Avi had suggested that they use Scott's youth and handsome appearance to work the guy over and get some information from him.

Scott flipped through the file to see just what the kid was going to be charged with. He had been found on the corner of Lancey and 51st, an area Scott knew well. Working in VICE the past two years had acquainted him with some of the rougher neighborhoods of the city. The boy was arrested when he took the offer for a good time from one of the undercover agents in the field. A search on intake revealed a small baggie of narcotics and now he was refusing to cooperate with police. He wasn't exactly making things better for himself.

The blonde slammed the file closed and sighed heavily attracting the attention of the other two on his team. Kevin lifted an eyebrow in concern while Avi just stared.

"Why do I always get roped into doing these types of interrogations?"

"Because you're young and hot?" Avi answered earning a smack and a "hey" from his boyfriend. He rolled his eyes and continued speaking. "You know I think you're the most attractive man on the earth Kevy. But still Scott, looks a lot younger than either of us do, mostly because he is a lot younger than either of us. So he gets to go in and see what the hell that kid's name is." Scott rolled his eyes but stood and walked back toward the holding cells.

Most of the cells are empty, usually they release the night's catches or they go to county lockup before the morning. However in cell number five, in the corner of the bed, curled into a ball, Scott can make out a small body. He cleared his throat in the hopes of startling the kid but he makes no effort to move. Scott sighed again, this guy really was one of the difficult ones.

The blonde unlocked the cell door with his master key and still the boy makes no movement. Scott made his way over to the cot, thinking about how his taller body would never fit on something so small. He placed a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder and finally he's met with a pair of stunning brown eyes. He stared for a moment before he remembers the reason he's standing in the cell in the first place.

"I need you to stand up, hands behind your back. We're going to an interrogation room. I'd like to talk to you for a few moments." The boy on the bed gets up without protests and turns away from Scott, hands in position just like he'd been asked. As the taller man goes to cuff him, he notices the man is shivering and takes in his appearance for the first time. The guy is petite. His hair is dirty, and he has dirt and soot all over his face, his arms, his clothes. He just filthy. However, Scott has always been able to see a diamond in the rough and this guy was beautiful even in his current condition. "Are you cold? It must get drafty in here. I'm sure I could find you something to throw on over this tee shirt."

The boy hesitantly turns to face the agent, he doesn't speak but he does nod his head, biting his lip nervously. "You must be hungry too. You've been locked up in here for a few hours now and it's well past breakfast." He nods again, finally meeting Scott's eyes. "I'm going to take you down to the interrogation room then I'll see what I can work out. Sound good?" A nod and that was all. Scott was becoming increasingly frustrated, not necessarily because of the lack of verbal responses but simply because he really wanted to know what this kid sounded like. He could guarantee his voice matched his soft, lovely face.

Scott escorted the boy to room, locking the cuffs which he'd move to the front, onto the metal table. As he excused himself the boy laid his head on the desk. Scott thought he looked defeated and broken. Fifteen minutes later he returned with several items. A muffin and a bag of chips, a bottle of water and a cup of coffee with cream and sugar packets, and hoodie which he claimed was from the lost and found but was actually from the back of his car. He uncuffed the boy and helped him slip the hoodie over his head. He briefly debated leaving him without restraints, the kid was no bigger than a toothpick and Scott was sure he could take him down if necessary. However, it was protocol and if the captain saw he'd been in deep shit so he just couldn't risk it.

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