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Mitch and his boyfriend had been waiting for 15 minutes when the nurse called them back. The short brunette didn't want this appointment but his partner had decided it was necessary. Mitch was never going to get the high end photoshoots he desired with a crooked nose. "Best to go ahead and fix it," his boyfriend said. Mitch reluctantly agreed after the other man had already made the appointment. At least he had chosen a reputable doctor. This man's name had been heard throughout Hollywood and was the choice for all the A-listers. It must have taken some work to get the chance to meet with him.

Mitch took a seat on the bed, his boyfriend standing next to him rather than sitting on the available chair. Sometimes the brunette hated how possessive the man was. They waited another few minutes before there was a knock on the door. A man entered wearing a white coat over his slacks and blue button up, the color was the same shade as his gorgeous eyes.

"Hey, I'm Dr. Hoying, you must be Mr. Grassi?"

"Just Mitch please."

"Well Mitch, according to your chart you're here for a consultation about a nose job?"

Mitch opened his mouth to speak but was cut off when Travis took control, as always dominating the conversation.

"Yea, we need you to fix this monstrosity." The man waved a hand around the center of Mitch's face causing the smaller man to lean back and avoid getting hit. "He's trying to become a model and it just won't happen with that... thing."

Mitch rolled his eyes. Travis was being a dick as usual. However, this time was different because they weren't in private. They were with a blonde Adonis.

"Ummm okay," Dr. Hoying looked at Mitch confused. "Let me look."

Mitch allowed Scott to turn his head this way and that as the doctor investigated his nose and it's shortcomings. However, the man pulled away with a satisfied humph.

"You don't need surgery. Your nose is fine. Not crooked in the least. Now yours Mr. I'm sorry I never got your name."

"Bush. Travis Bush."

"Yes, Mr. Bush, I believe I could help you fix that monstrosity," Scott waved his hand in Travis's face in a similar man as the man had done to Mitch.

Travis scoffed, "my face is perfect!"

"As a professional, I'd have to disagree." Scott frowned and shook his head.

"Mitchell, we're leaving," the man grabbed his boyfriend's hand pulling him off the bed. "We'll find someone else to fix that fucking crooked ass nose of yours. I'm tired of looking at you like that."

That stopped Mitch and he yanked out of Travis's grip. "I thought we were doing this so I could get more contracts?"

"Only part of the reason babe. Now come along." The man tried the pull Mitch away but the brunette began resisting causing him to yank harder. Soon Mitch let out a yelp of pain prompting the doctor to step in between the two.

"Leave him alone and get out of my office before I call security." Travis looked astounded but didn't leave. "Now I said!" Scott growled, sending the man fleeing to the door. The blonde turned to see Mitch with tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry! Did overstep? He was just hurting you and I couldn't bare to see someone so beautiful hurt."

"Not at all. Thank you. He's always so rough and I hate it... wait... you—you think I'm beautiful?"

"I know you are. I spend my days trying to make people look perfect usually I can find at least one thing to fix... but with you I can't see a damn thing I'd change."

Mitch smiled shyly, Travis never called him beautiful, sexy, hot, but never beautiful. "Thanks Dr. Hoying."

"Just Scott."

"Well, thank you Scott. I better get going, he was my ride so I need to call an Uber. Plus I bet you have other clients to see."

"Actually, I'm about to take lunch. Can I drop you off? Maybe get a coffee or something first?"

Mitch blushed and bite his lips nervously, "uhhh... sure... yes! I'd like that."

"Great! Let me go put your chart away and I'll be right back."

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