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A/n: I'm hesitant to post this because of the fact that it deals with some very serious topics. I got the idea from a JH Tumble novel. If you've never read their stuff you should check it out.

Trigger Warning: Rape and HIV

Love lots -AV

The club was teeming with activity, guys surrounded the tall blonde hoping for a few moments alone with the sexiest dancer employed at Decipher. He continued to dance and grind on everyone around him until he spotted his boy for the night. He grabbed the man's hand dragging him away from the crowd and toward his private dressing room. Those not chosen sulked for a moment before finding their joy in the beat of the next song.

This was how it went every night for Scott. Put on a show, dirty dance with some boys, take one back, let said boy have his way. It wasn't the most dignified occupation but it paid damn good money and afforded Scott a relatively nice house and car.

Scott pulled the tall lanky blonde through the corridors, he had him pegged from the moment he saw him. However, he was wrong. This guy wasn't the meek bottom he thought. No, he was dominate top that didn't want to follow Scott's rules.

The man thrust into him, bare and raw. Scott screaming for help, praying security heard. By the time Kevin and Avi reached the blonde's dressing room, the man had already violated Scott. Never in the four years that he worked at the club had something like this happened. Kevin took the man down while Avi called the cops and the paramedics.

A week later Scott was cleared to return to work, dancing only. Not that he wanted to do any of his previous activities. Two weeks later he was called back to the hospital. His blood sample had come back, it wasn't good. His rapist had given him a death sentence, or at least that's how Scott looked at it.

He became increasingly depressed and gaunt. His friend's were worried about him. He kept up with his job but everyone could see his heart was no longer in it.

That was until Avi hired a new DJ. The petite brunette had become very well known on social media and Av was glad he'd scored someone in such high demand. Of course, the boss asked Scott to get Mitch setup and show him around before opening in two hours. The two became fast friends. Everyday they hung out before work. Mitch felt a spark whenever the blonde looked at him. Scott felt it too but he knew he could never have Mitch in that way. He wouldn't pass on the gift he never asked for.

Finally, Mitch had had enough of Scott keeping him at arm's length and made a move only to be roughly shoved away. The look of hurt on the brunette's face sent a shot of pain through Scott's entire being and he felt the need to explain. Until that point the only two people who know about his diagnosis were Kevin and Avi, he hadn't gotten the strength to even tell his family.

"Mitchy, please. Don't think I pushed you away because I don't want you."

The brown eyes were confused, "what the fuck am I supposed to think? I try to kiss you, you push me away."

"I do want you... so badly... but I can't."

"Why can't you ? I'm single so are you. You like me I think and I like you."

"I won't do this to you."

"Do what Scott? You're so confusing."

"I'm positive Mitch."

"Positive of what?"

"HIV. I was... I was raped and the guy didn't use protection. My blood... my semen... it's all teeming with the virus."

Mitch surged forward to wrap the blonde in a hug, using the opportunity to press their lips together. Scott pulled away immediately. "You can't get the virus from kissing."

"But I don't want to lead you on... make you want something you can't have."

"I want you. There are other ways to make love. And even if we get to that point, we can be safe. I don't care that you're positive. I- I think I'm in love with you."

Scott stood slack jawed at the admission, could it be that the flutter in his chest every time he locked eyes with the gorgeous brunette was love. Yes, it could. "I love you too."

"Then stop pushing me away. Let me be there for you. Let me help you through this. Don't deny yourself the opportunity to love and be loved."


"But nothing. The life expectancy of a man that's positive is roughly the same as one who's not. Antiretroviral drugs work wonders. Please, just let me love you..."

Scott thought for a moment, tears brimming his eyes, and finally he nodded. Mitch rushing to pull him into a hug and crash their lips together once more.

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