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A/n: Short and kind of sucky. I do have a plan for a follow up though.

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Love lots -AV

Secret rendezvous had become their thing. Sneaking around school, sneaking around home, just sneaking around in general. Scott felt like he was a teenager again. And Mitch, well, he felt like every other kid his age except for the fact that his boyfriend was also his English teacher.

These carefully plotted and planned excursions had been going on for nearly a month and though it scared the shit out of him, Scott loved the rush he got being with Mitch. Today, was a Saturday. Thankfully, Kevin was not on call, meaning he and Avi were away on a romantic weekend getaway, leaving the house to Scott.

He had taken the time to make a picnic lunch. Finger foods and things that required a microwave but no stove or oven. He had even purchased an adorable basket to put everything in. He made sure to grab an extra blanket, knowing that Mitch was often cold. Once he loaded everything into the car, he set off to meet up at their spot.

Mitch was standing in the grove of trees, his own car parked a few meters away. As soon as he saw Scott's car, he started walking, quickly hopping in and closing the door. Per the usual, Scott greeted him with a kiss that left him breathless and smiling. He threw his bag in the backseat before plugging in his phone and taking Scott's hand that was resting on the gear shift. Though the older man hadn't said where they were going, he had said it would take a little while to drive there. They chatted and laughed for almost two hours before Scott pulled into a parking lot. Mitch looked around taking in the scenery.

"A park?"

"A state park and wildlife reserve. I know you don't do the outdoors but if we can just climb up that little mountain, I swear you'll love it."

"Me? Climb a mountain?" Mitch asked incredulously.

"Yes, and it's not really climbing, it's just a stroll."

"You're trying to murder me."

Scott laughed at Mitch's statement but exited the vehicle, going around to help his boyfriend out of the car.

The blonde had been right. It had taken about 45 minutes to walk up hill. However, the view at the top was stunning. There were no cities or towns, just trees and the changing colors of the fall foliage. Mitch had never seen anything quite so beautiful. As he stood in awe, Scott went about setting up the picnic. By the time the brunette turned around, he had a blanket spread, a half dozen roses, and various snacks.

"You did all this?" Scott smiled and nodded. "You cooked?"

"Microwaved. Avi still says no on the stove and oven." MItch laughed as he sat down on Scott's lap, snuggling into the older boy's arms.

"Thank you for all this."

"I just wanted to have a cute date night with you. I know it's not fair that we have to sneak around but for now it's necessary."

"June. We can wait until June."

"I know. Especially if Avi and Kevin take a few more of these couple retreats. I'm so excited you're staying tonight. Who knows, maybe we'll climb up on the roof and watch the stars."

"That sounds perfect," Mitch shivered burying himself further into Scott's arms. The blonde simply reached into the basket, pulling out an extra blanket and covering them both up. Tonight was sure to be special.

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