Justin Bieber (breakup/makeup)

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Your POV

It was 3am and I was currently waiting for Justin to come home. I was so tired and could barely keep my eyes open but I need to wait for him. I'm used to this. He always leaves me alone all day and makes me wait for him. I heard the door slam open. I saw a drunk Justin. "Heeeyyyyy whoreeeee," Justin slurred. I rolled my eyes. I'm used to it. He always calls me names and then says sorry in the morning.

I know what you're asking. Why don't you leave him if he's so rude to you? Easy. Because I'm in love with him. "Justin c'mon you need to get to bed," I said. He rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me what to do, you slut!" He yelled.

I ignored his rude comment and took him upstairs. I noticed that he was still in his party clothes. 'He's to drunk to change' I thought. So I grabbed his pjs and started unbelting his belt from his pants.

"STOP! IM SELENA'S BOYFRIEND! AND SHE TOLD ME NOT TO CHEAT ON HER!" He yelled. My heart instantly broke. How could he? He cheated on me with Selena! Tears ran down my cheeks.

I got my suitcase out and started packing my things. "Wait baby what are you doing?" He said not drunk anymore. I ignored. He stopped me from putting anymore clothes in it. I got out of his grip. "Baby no I didn't mean what I said. I'm not dating Selena I swear." He said. "Then why did you're her boyfriend! Just admit that you were cheating on me!" I yelled.

"I was drunk I didn't know what I was saying!" He yelled defending himself. "Well the truth always comes out when your drunk. Just deal with the fact that WE'RE OVER!" I yelled. He started to cry. I felt bad but shook it off. I finished packing and got all of my stuff and headed out the door. "And one more thing," I said turning back to Justin. His eyes instantly lit up hoping I would take him back.

"Here!" I said throwing the necklace he got for me on our first date. He caught the necklace and sobbed. I walked out the door without another word. I threw my suitcases in my trunk and went to my drivers seat. I started the car and then heard someone banging there fists on my car window which made me gasp. I saw Justin. He was crying and yelling. I turned my radio on so I couldn't hear him. I drove away from him. I saw Justin chasing my car and then falling to the ground crying and yelling.

I called my friend Demi.

(Y=you D=Demi)

D- Hello?

Y- D-Demi? Can I come over?

D- yeah and are you crying?!

Y-yeah I'll explain everything to you later

D-okay bye. See you soon.

We both hung up the phone. I sped towards Demi's house. When I got there I knocked on the door. Demi opened it and saw me. She hugged me. "What's wrong?" She asked as we both sat on the couch. I told her everything. She clenched her fists. "IM GOING TO KILL HIM!" She yelled. I giggled feeling a lot better. We noticed the time was 4:45 am so we instantly both crashed on the couch.

The next day....

I woke up from hearing about 100000 beeps coming from my phone. I saw 50 texts from scooter, 30 texts from Ryan, 60 texts from Pattie, and 1000 texts from Justin. I didn't read one message or I'll just feel bad and I shouldn't!

My phone rang and saw the caller ID was Ryan.

(Y= you, R=Ryan)

Y= Hello?

R= YES y/n! You finally answered!

Y= what's up?


And with that, Ryan hung up the phone. "Demi, I have to go to Justin's house I guess he's freaking out or something," I said. Demi nodded. I hugged her goodbye. I then sped off to Justin's house.

Once I arrived there, I knocked on the door. Pattie opened it and I saw everyone there sighed in relief. "Where's Justin?" I asked after greeting all of them. They pointed to his room upstairs. I nodded and walked up the stairs to his room.

I knocked on his door lightly. "GO AWAY I WANT Y/N!" I heard him yell making me flinch a little. "I-It's me Justin," I said. "N-no it's not. It's just my mind messing with me." He said. "No it's really me," I said. I heard him walk to the door and open it. When he saw me his eyes brightened.

He hugged me and I hugged back. I kissed his cheek. "I'm here. I always will be and I'll never leave you again. I love you." I said. "I love you too and always will! I'm sorry about the argument and what I said" He said kissing my lips. I told him it's okay. He couldn't walk well since he was sitting down and crying all day. I helped him walk down the stairs by putting my arm around his back. He did the same to me and caressed my arms.

When we walked downstairs. Everyone gasped at how he looked. "Okay now that Justin's back, I think we should let them have some alone time. Come on let's go," scooter said. They all walked out the door and said bye.

"Justin I'm going to make you food, what do you wanna eat?" I asked. "P-pasta please," he said. I nodded and smiled. I walked away to cook something then saw Justin shaking uncontrollably and crying. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "D-don't leave me please!" He begged. "Why?" I asked. "I'm scared that y-you'll leave me forever," he said. Aww he's so adorable. I kissed his cheek. "I would never leave you," I said. I put my hand out and he grabbed it. I brought him to the kitchen and started cooking. I felt Justin's arms snake around my waist. He kissed my cheek from behind.

I blushed and smiled. He chuckled. I made his pasta and have it to him. He thanked me. We started eating and talking about stuff. "I'm taking you out on a date today," Justin said making me smile. My eyes lightened. "Really?" I asked. He nodded smiling widely. "To where?" I asked still smiling. "That's for you to find out later." He said.

This is the Justin I fell in love with.

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