Çhäptěr 2

48 1 0

Eren’s POV

It was loud. How else was it supposed to be in the mess hall? I ate my food silently. ‘She’s going to hate me for what I did, but I did it to protect her.’

“You’re awfully quiet.” Mikasa pointed out. “Why?”

She was always serious when she spoke.

“No reason.” was my answer.

“Eren. Look at me.” she ordered.

I didn’t want to, but when a person like Mikasa told you to do something, you couldn’t resist for long. I looked up.

“You did something. What did you do?” she demanded.

“What makes you think I did something?!” I asked incredulously.

She was on to me and I knew it. “Because your face looks guilty.” she replied.

‘What does that even mean?!’ I thought.

“Eren, what did you do?” she asked impatiently.

I stayed silent. Maybe if I didn’t answer, she would let it go. Nope, I was wrong.

“Answer me, Eren!” I still didn’t respond.

“Just answer the question Eren. Before she gets any angrier at you.” said Armin shyly.

“Fine. I confess. I went to register Olivia for the MP’s earlier this morning without her permission.”

Armin looked at me like I had lost my mind. Mikasa’s face was indifferent.

“Are you crazy?! Do you have any idea what Olivia would do to you if she found out?! She would murder you!!” yelled Armin.

“I know it was wrong, but you don’t understand, Armin. She’s my sister. She’s the only biological family I have left. That’s why I have to do everything I can to protect her. I can’t let her die. I won’t let her die. And if choosing for her is what it takes, then so be it.”

As I finished talking, I heard familiar footsteps. ‘Oh no. It was her. It was my sister. It was Olivia. It was my end.’

Word Count: 309

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