Çhäptĕr 15

11 0 0

Olivia’s POV

When I got back to my quarters, I started searching for Hange. Her room was close to mine. I needed her advice on what I should do because, right now, I seriously had no idea what to do.

Armin told me he loved me. And better yet, he had asked me out on a date and if I wanted to be his girlfriend afterwards. What do I do? What if I agree to the date and it goes horribly wrong? What if this ruins our friendship? What if I say or do something that offends him? Ugh! This is exactly why I need Hange’s help right now.

I ran into Irwin while I was searching for Hange. “Oh, Irwin. Have you seen Hange anywhere? It’s urgent.”

“She’s in her office, Olivia.” he replied. “Thank you!” I yelled as I ran past him to her office. When I got there, I found that the door was locked. Hange never locked her door unless she was doing something important. If that was the case, I usually wouldn’t interrupt her, but this was waaaay too important to wait.

I pounde on her door to get her attention. “Alright, alright! I’m coming! Settle down!” Hange opened the door with an annoyed look on her face. “Livie.” she said surprised. “What are you doing here?” I rushed into her room and closed the door behind me, locking it before sitting in a chair.

“I need… your… help… with something. It’s… important.” I said, out of breath. “Ok, first of all, breathe. Second of all, important enough to almost break down my door like you just did?”

“Yes.” I said while still trying to catch my breath. I didn’t realize I had run so much. “What’s wrong?” She asked me, once I had calmed down. “I’m confused and I don’t know what to do. I need your advice. Arminbasicallyjustconfessedtomeandaskedmeoutonadateandidontknowwhattosaybecauseisaidiwouldthinkaboutit.” I rambled.

Hange had a confused look on her face. “Slow down and repeat everything after advice.” I sighed. “Ok. Armin basically just confessed to me and asked me out on a date and I don’t know what to say because I said I would think about it.” I repeated. Hange started laughing like a maniac.

“That’s all? That’s what this is about?” she said between laughs. I got angry. “What do you mean ‘That’s all?’!?!?! I don’t know what to do! He basically poured his heart out and all I did was sit there with my face as red as a tomato! I don’t even know how to answer him!” Hange was done laughing by this point.

“What do you mean? You like him, don’t you? Just say yes. It’s as simple as that.” I looked down at the floor before looking up again. “It’s not that simple. I’m worrying about too many things.If I say yes, too many things will change. And once they do, they can’t go back to they way they were before.”

Hange looked at me confused. “I’m not following. Besides, what is there to worry about?”

“Everything! What if he doesn’t like me after going on a date with me? What if I say something wrong or do something embarrassing? What if it doesn’t work out and our friendship gets ruined? Then what am I going to do?” I finished telling her my worries.

Hange put her hand on my shoulder. “First of all, you’re going to calm down and take a deep breath. Second, you’re going to remember who you’re talking about. This is Armin, for science’s sake! If he’s anything like how you’ve described him to be, then everything will be fine. Just be yourself and stop worrying so much.”

She started pushing me out the door. “And another thing, unless there’s a Titan outside or the whole place is burning down or you’re in a do or die situation, then don’t interrupt me! I have important work to do!” and she slammed the door in my face. So much for ‘If you need me I’m here”.

Word Count: 670

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