Çhäptër 23

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A Few Days Later

Eren’s P.O.V

I knocked on her door as quietly as I could. It was really early and I didn’t want to wake anyone up. Levi would have my head if I did.

“Liv, c’mon. Open up. I said I was sorry.” I tried. My sister has been cooped up in her room for the last few days. The door is always locked and I can’t open it, nor do I want to. If I do, I could risk getting her madder than she already was (if that’s even possible).

“Liv. You have to come out. You can’t spend the rest of your life stuck in a little room by yourself all the time. You’re going to have to come out sooner or later.”

I have been trying this entire time to get her to open the door, but nothing was working. I tried knocking, kicking the door down and I even tried to lure her out by using food. Nothing worked!

This was hopeless! I guess I’m going to have to use my last resort.

Before I left, I tried one last time. “Liv, listen. I know you’re mad at me and you want nothing to do with me, but that’s no reason to lock yourself up. C’mon. You’re freaking me out. I’m worried sick and everyday you spend in there is just making me worry even more. So please, I’m begging you, come out.” As usual, I didn’t get a response. I wasn’t expecting one. I sighed and then I left to go get my last resort.

Time Skip

I walked into the mess hall and scanned the crowd for him. Once I found him, I went over to the table. I guess I scared him when I found out about him and Olivia because as soon as he caught sight of me, Armin hid behind Mikasa.

“Relax, Armin. I’m not going to do anything. Actually, I came here looking for you. I need you to help me with something.”

Armin was still scared, but he peeked out from behind Mikasa. “How do I know this isn’t some sort of trap you’re trying to spring on me and that you won’t attack me?”

I sighed. I didn’t blame him for being scared, but this is a new low. “Because it concerns Olivia. She won’t come out of her room. I can’t get her to open the door and she’s really worrying me. Since she won’t listen to me, I was hoping she would listen to you. Seeing as she likes you and everything.”

“O-ok.” he said. Well that was easy.

“Let’s go.”

We walked away. We didn’t talk at all on our way to Liv’s door. It was really awkward. So awkward, in fact, that I was really greatful when we finally got there.

Armin knocked on the door. “Olivia?” he said nervously. “It’s me, Armin. Eren says you won’t come out of your room and that you’re making him worry. You’re making me worry. Please come out. Let’s talk a little. Maybe it’ll help you feel better.”

I guess that did the trick because the door finally opened. There stood Olivia; her hair in tangles, dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes were a little red. She’d been crying. Had she really been that upset?

When she looked at me, she gave me a glare. Thank goodness looks couldn’t kill because if they could, I would’ve dropped dead right then and there.

She didn’t say anything. She only looked at Armin and then she pulled him into her room. She slammed the door in my face before I could walk in and I heard her lock it. I guess I was waiting out here.

Armin’s P.O.V

Olivia pulled me into her room and it took me a second to adjust. The light was turned off and I’m pretty sure she didn’t want me to turn it on. She led me over to her bed and we sat down.  We didn’t say anything for a little bit. We just sat there. I didn’t mind. She could take all the time she needed.

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