Çhäptër 21

13 0 0

Olivia’s POV

Ugh! He’s so annoying! I’ve told him countless times that I don’t need him to watch me, but does he listen? No! Of course he doesn’t!

I couldn’t help it. I had to leave before I did something stupid that I would probably regret later. I’m just glad that no one was following me. If they did, then someone would know about my spot.

I have a spot near the lake. It’s a giant willow tree. I like to go there when I need to clear my head or when I need to cool down. I don’t know why, but it always makes me feel better. I sit under the tree or on one of the branches and I just feel so calm that all of my troubles fade away. At least, they fade away until I have to confront them.

I guess that I was madder than I thought I was this time because I spent the rest of the day under the tree. Eren would probably be going crazy wondering where I was. Oh well. I’ll deal with him later. Right now, all I want is to relax. I ended up taking a very well deserved nap.
Word Count: 201

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