Çhäptër 24

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Time Skip- A week later because I’m tired

Armin’s P.O.V.

I knocked on the door carefully, making sure that I didn’t drop the tray of food I had in my hand. We had been doing this for a week now. I would bring Olivia food everyday and we would just talk. Sometimes she would tell me jokes and other times I would ask her about how she was feeling. Everytime I went, I asked her if she was ready to talk to Eren yet, but she said no everytime. I’m running out of options. I’ve tried persuasion, bribing, I’ve even tried to ask her if she would let Eren come in so we could prove that he wasn’t going to do anything, but that didn’t work. I just didn’t know what to do anymore.

As I walked in her room, I noticed that everything was dark. Just like it was every other time I had come in here. At this point, I was used to it. It might’ve actually shocked me if the lights had been turned on for once. I went over to her bed and I found her under the covers.

I gently shook her. “Liv. Livie. Time to wake up. I brought food.” As soon as I mentioned food, she shot up and reached for the tray. It made me laugh.

“What’s so funny?” she asked me. “Nothing, it’s just that the amount of love you have for food never ceases to make me laugh. Honestly, all I have to do is put food in front of you and I can get you to do anything for me.”

“Can you blame me? I’m a growing girl. I gotta eat.” she said as I was sitting down on the bed next to her. She made a good point. Well, as long as i had her attention, I might as well ask the question that was on my mind.

“Are you ready to talk to him now?” She estopped chewing when I said that. I know that that was her least favorite question, but I had to ask it.

“Armin, you know my answer to that.” was her answer to me. “I know.” was my reply. “If you know the answer, then why do you keep asking me everyday?”

“Because everyday I hope that the answer will be different.” She didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “Liv, you can’t spend the rest of your life without talking to him.”

“And why not?” she asked me.

“Because, he’s starting to worry me. He doesn’t sleep at night because he stays up thinking about you and how mad you are. And he doesn’t sleep during the day either. He keeps himself busy at all times because he says that if he stops even for a second, he’s going to feel guilty. He’s even thought of jumping off the wall. Which I’m not even sure if that would do anything considering the fact that he can regenerate. He’s constantly mopey and it’s making me worry. So please, I’m begging you. Can you forgive him?”

If that speech didn’t convince her, then I don’t know what will.

“Armin, you and I both know that I can’t forgive him. He attacked you. Or he tried to. He spied on me. He took it too far this time.”

I sighed. “Could you at least talk to him for 5 minutes? Please? For me?” I gave her the puppy dog eyes and she scoffed.

“Really Armin? What are you, 6?” I still hadn’t stopped doing the eyes. Thankfully, I didn’t have  to do it for long because she gave in.

“Ok. I’ll do it. But only because you’re asking me to. And only so you’ll stop making that face. You look like you’re in pain.” I smiled and then I hugged her.

“Thank you! Don’t move. I’m going to get him and then we’ll all have a nice conversation and this whole thing will be resolved and everything will go back to the way it was.”

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