Çhäptër 18

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Olivia’s POV

I was in the stables when the best thing ever happened. My day hadn’t started out good because I was stuck with stable duty, but it got a lot better. I was almost done with cleaning all the stables. I just had to finish cleaning my horse, Frei’s stable.

And then I heard what I had been waiting forever to hear. I heard Eren’s voice! At first I thought I was dreaming or that my mind was playing tricks on me, but nope. It was really him. He was really here.

“Eren!” I yelled as I ran towards him. I basically tackled him and made him fall over on the ground.

“What’s with you? You’ve never tackled me before.” he said was he was getting up from the ground.

“Nothing’s up. I just missed you.” Eren looked at me with disbelief.

You missed me? I don’t believe it.”

I scoffed. “Of course I missed you. Who else am I supposed to drive up the wall?”

He laughed. “That makes a lot more sense.”

I hugged him again. “Not to be rude or anything, but why are you here? Weren’t you supposed to be coming back next week?”

“Levi said that some of us could come back early because there wasn’t much left for us to do and he didn’t need as many people there. The only reason he let me come back was because he thought Hange might want me for stuff. At least that’s what he says. So, how have you been? Has Hange been treating you right? She hasn’t hurt you right?”

I giggled. “No, of course not. I’ve been fine. Better than fine, actually.” I said with a smile.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Oh shiz. I almost blabbed to Eren about me and Armin.

“Uh, nothing. It doesn’t mean anything.” I said nervously. “Hey, why don’t we go see everyone else? They must be dying to see you.” Hopefully that would get his mind off of my little slip-up.

“Sure.” He said. I pulled him towards the mess hall. That’s probably where everyone was since it was about lunch time.

Timeskip because I can

I opened the doors to the mess and hall and it was just as loud as usual. We walked over to the usual table and everyone basically went crazy. Everyone was hugging Eren and squeezing him to death. Mikasa looked him up and down, asking him if he was ok and checking to see if he wasn’t too injured.

We laughed the whole time. “Welp, I gotta go. I promised Hange that I would help her clean the lab. See you guys later.” And I walked out.

When I got to her office, I knocked on her door and she pulled me in. She locked the door.

“Well? Have you told him yet?” she asked. “Told who what?” I said confused.

“Eren! Have you told him about you know what?” Oh. That. I shook my head. “No. Why would I? If Eren knew, then he would probably go on a rampage. Or worse. He would hurt Armin. And it would be my fault. I almost told him when he got here earlier. I managed to catch myself though. So he doesn’t know anything.”

“You’re going to have to tell him eventually.” said Hange as she was putting away her beakers.

“Are you nuts!? Actually, don’t answer that. I’m not going to tell him. I can’t even imagine what would happen if I did.”

That’s the only interesting thing we talked about for the rest of the time that I spent in there. Well, that and any of the weirdly colored liquids that she kept in the dirty beakers. I don’t even want to know what all of those are for. I’m just glad that they were easy to clean off.

At this point, I’ve known Hange long enough I’m not going to question it. I’ve also known her enough to know that she isn’t going to leave me alone about telling Eren. But I’ve made up my mind. And when I’ve made up my mind, nothing will change it.

Word Count: 690

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