Çhäptër 16

12 0 0

Still Olivia’s POV

I looked everywhere and it took me a while, but I finally found Armin. It turns out, he was outside the mess hall.

I ran up to him and yelled his name. “Oh, Hi Olivia.” He said waving to me. “Armin… I’ve… thought-” “Hold up.” Armin interrupted me. “Catch your breath first and then tell me.” I nodded. After a few minutes, I was fine.

“I’ve thought about it and my answer is yes.I’ll go on a date with you.” Armin just stood there. He didn’t move. He just stared at me.

“Armin?” I said. “Hello? Earth to Armin.” I waved my hand in front of his face to see if he would snap out of it and he did.

“Huh? Sorry. I was kind of in shock.” I chuckled. “Why?” “I didn’t think you would say yes.” HE replied.

“So, when are we going?” I asked him. “How about tomorrow? The sooner the better, right?” I laughed. “That makes sense, but I can’t tomorrow. I promised Hange I would do some stuff for her and I can’t get out of it.How about the day after tomorrow?”

“Can’t. I have training all day.” That’s disappointing. “What about the day after that? I’m free then.” He said. “That works for me.”

We hugged each other goodbye and I walked back to my room. Today was a great day.

Word Count: 230

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