Çhäptěr 9

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The first thing I realized when I woke up was that it was cold and dark and that there was an intense pain in my head. I reached up to touch it and heard the clanking of metal on metal. I looked at my wrists and sure enough, there were shackles on them.

Shackles? Why would I need shackles? I wasn’t dangerous. Was I?

I touched my forehead and found that it was wrapped in bandages. The bandages didn’t help with the massive headache I had.

“She’s awake.” said a voice I didn’t recognize. “How’d you sleep, Sleeping Beauty?” He asked me. The next voice I definitely recognized. “Don’t you dare call her that!” Or else what?! The way I see it, you’re in no position to threaten me.” he barked. He scared me.

“Eren?” I said, unsure of how he would respond. “Olivia, I’m here. I promise, I won’t let them hurt you.” he said, urgency in his voice. Hurt me? Why would anyone want to hurt me?

“What do you mean?” I exclaimed. “Eren where are we? What’s going on?” I was so confused. Instead of Eren answering, the man who had called me Sleeping Beauty answered. “You’re in the dungeon of the Scouts Regiment Headquarters. As for what’s going on, You and your brother are Titans. You are to stay here until the trials that will decide your fate happen next week.” he said stoically.

“I don’t understand. I’m not a Titan. I’m human. I know I am. I tried defending myself. It had no effect. “How can we know for sure? We’re not taking any chances. Sorry, it’s nothing personal.” With that he walked away.

Time skip

I sat in my cell, hugging my knees. How can this be happening to me? I wasn’t a Titan. At least I thought I wasn’t. I tried my best not to cry, but I couldn’t hold it in forever. I sobbed into my legs.

“Liv” I heard. “Please don’t cry. Everything will be okay.” Eren’s attempt at comforting me did nothing. “How do you know?” asked between sobs. “I don’t. But I won’t let them hurt you. I can promise you that.”

“Eren, I’m scared. What’s going to happen to us?”

“I don’t know. They can either decide to execute us or they can decide to let us go. If they choose to let us go, I don’t know what will happen.” In that moment, someone walked in. She had brown hair held up in a ponytail and she was wearing glasses.

She smiled at me. “Hi there.” she said to me, as if I were a child. She had 2 needles, one in each hand. I’m sorry, but I need a blood sample from both of you.” she said apologetically.

“What for/ I asked, curious while I tried to back away. Eren is the only one who knows this, but I’m deathly afraid of needles. I hate them. I wasn’t always afraid. I actually used to like them. They helped me stay healthy. But after what my dad did to me and Eren, I saw them differently.

“I’m just going to test your blood and compare it to Eren’s to see if if you’re like him. I just need your arm.” she said reaching towards my arm. I hugged my arm close to my chest, as if letting her stick that torture device in it would make it fall off.

“It won’t kill you. I promise.” she said, trying to reassure me. “You’ll just feel a little pinch.” I didn’t move.

“Eren, would you mind telling your sister to give me her arm so I can test her blood?” she said, a little louder than when she spoke to me. “Liv, give her your arm,” I heard Eren say. “How do I know she isn’t going to put anything in me?” i asked. I didn’t want something like what happened last time to happen again. Wait. What did happen last time? It’s all a blur. I don’t really remember.

“I would never! Not without your know, at least. “She said, sounding offended. I still didn’t move. “She still isn’t giving me her arm.” I guessed she was telling Eren. I heard a sigh.

“Please Liv. She won’t put anything in, she's only taking blood out. I guarantee it.” he said. “How can you be sure?” I asked, still nervous.

Because she already did it to me. And I’m fine. Please, just let her do the test. I need to know if you’re a monster like me.” He sounded like he was on the brink of tears.

“OK. But only because you’re asking me to.” I closed my eyes and handed her my arm. I felt a slight pinch and then it was over. “All done.” she said. She left afterwards.

“Eren?” I asked. “Are you awake?”

“I am. What’s wrong?” I know he wouldn’t agree with me , but I said it anyways.

“You’re not a monster.”

Word Count: 828

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