Çhäptër 22

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Still Olivia’s P.O.V

When I got back from my spot, I ran into Eren. Great. The last person I wanted to see.

“Where have you been?” he asked me.

“Why would you care?! Why didn’t you just use your spy skills to find out where I went?!” I said as I pushed past him and went into the direction of my room.Ok, I may have crossed a line, but can you blame me? It’s his fault that I’m mad at him. He shouldn’t have been snooping around.

I locked the door just in case Eren decided he wanted to come after me. I honestly didn’t need to talk to him right now. I had managed to calm down when I had woken up from my nap, but when I saw Eren, it made my anger come back.

Time Skip because Writer’s Block

I was in the stables, brushing my horse’s mane. I like doing that. I don’t know why, but it made me feel at ease and it made me happy. I was trying to braid Frei’s mane when I felt two arms go around my waist.

I jumped a little, but then I calmed down. Armin was the only one that  did that. Ever since our date, he had been a little more affectionate towards me. It was nothing too obvious. Mostly, it was just hugs. Every once in a while, he would try to do something more, but he always stopped. I didn’t understand why. It didn’t bother me and I definitely didn’t feel uncomfortable. But I wasn’t going to question it. I liked the fact that we were taking things slow. I didn’t want to rush and maybe he didn’t either.

“Hey, Armin. What’re you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at training?” I asked.

“I am, but I was tired and I was curious about what you were doing. I was also thinking about something.”

“And what would that be exactly?” I asked.

“Well, before I say anything, please don’t get mad at me for saying it.”

“Why would I get mad at you?”

“Because… because… Ok. I don’t know. I just don’t want to say anything that makes you mad at me.”

I giggled. Sometimes he’s so nervous, it’s adorable. “I won’t be mad. I promise. Go ahead.” But before he could say what he wanted to, everything happened so fast.

Honestly, I didn’t think that my first kiss would be because my horse pushed me forward, but I wasn’t thinking about that. My only thoughts were of the bliss I was feeling from the kiss. It felt wonderful. And I didn’t want it to stop. With that one kiss, everything disappeared. The Titans didn’t exist, there was no war, no worries. Nothing. Just Armin and I. But that moment didn’t last long.

“Armin, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” I heard behind me. Ugh, are you kidding me?! Is he following me everywhere now!?

I immediately stood in front of Armin, blocking Eren. He probably just saw us kiss, which means he would be boiling with rage. And that means that Armin is in danger.

“Eren, I swear, it’s not what it looks like.” I tried. Maybe I could persuade him into seeing reason. Or not.

“Oh, really?! Because it looks like you and Armin were having a full-on make-out session! I can’t believe you. You went behind my back, fully aware of how this would end, and you did it anyways! And you, Armin,” he said pointing behind me, “How could you? You’re my best friend. At least you were. Both of you owe me an explanation and I want it right now!”

I shouldn’t have let my guard down, but the damage was done. “Ok, I get it. And you have every right to want an explanation, but maybe you should calm down first.” said Armin. That didn’t help. It just made Eren angrier.

Eren tried to reach behind me to attack Armin, but before he could do anything, I held him back. “Armin, run! I’ll deal with Eren, just go!” I said, struggling to keep Eren in place.

“But what about you? We’re both in trouble!”

“That doesn’t matter! Just go before I lose my grip!”I yelled.

Armin ran off while I was busy pulling Eren in the other direction. I didn’t let go until I was sure the he was as far away as possible. And then Eren started pulling me.

“Hey! Eren! Where are we going?! Ow! That hurts!”As soon as I said that he let go of my wrist.

“How long!? How long have you and Armin been together!?” he snapped at me. I looked down, avoiding his gaze.

“Not long. Just a few weeks, but it hasn’t gotten serious.” I said quietly.

“That kiss looked pretty serious to me!”

“Well if you would listen to me, then you would know what really happened!” I yelled. I lost it at that point. If he was going to be yelling then so was I.

“Ok, then. Tell me, what really happened?” I sighed.

“Armin just came to see me. All we did was hug, that’s it. The only reason we kissed was because Frei pushed me and I fell forward. That’s all.” I looked up. He still looked mad, but at least now he didn’t look like he was ready to murder everything in sight.

“Ok. But you don’t deny that you and Armin are together?”

I froze. What was I supposed to say? If I denied it, then he would know I was lying. And if I said it was true, then what would happen to Armin? I made up my mind to tell him the truth. There’s no point in hiding it now.

“No. I don’t. Armin and I are together. There. I said it. Are you happy now?” I snapped.

“No, I’m not. Did you seriously think that I wasn’t going to find out sooner or later? I mean, seriously, Liv! What were you thinking!?”

“The only thing I was thinking was that, maybe for the first time, I wouldn’t have to be alone! You’re constantly leaving and everytime you leave, I worry that you won’t come back. Armin made that worry go away. He made me happy and I felt safe when I was with him. I was hoping that you would at least understand that instead of going on a rampage, but I guess I was wrong to think that way!”

I started walking away, but I didn’t get very far because Eren grabbed me. “Eren, let me go. I don’t need this right now.”

“I know you don’t,  but I do. Listen, I had no idea. I guess I was the one that wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry. The only reason I didn’t ask to take you with me was because I thought you could handle staying here and because I wanted to protect you. I didn’t know that you worried so much.”

I yanked my hand away from him and i stompe back to my room. I slammed the door and locked it. I stayed in there for the next few days. I didn’t want anything to do with people or Titans or anyone. I just wanted to be alone.

Wow! 1, 214 words! I think that's the longest chapter so far! Let's see if I can make them longer.

It depends on whether or not I have motivation and creativity though.

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