is it that hard?

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Is it really that hard for to people to stay loyal without worrying about how others feel about them? Stay comitted to only one person if you're in love. Don't go chasing other guys or girls behind his or her back. Same goes for you, you know who you are. It's been rough but this time, try to learn how to keep someone that will always love you no matter what. Learn how to love again. Learn to regain what was lost. That's how you'll find your happiness. Who knows? Maybe you'll start to like me again despite the fact that you hate the thought of me. I'm not really a bad person. Just a good man with a fucked up mind who's looking for what was lost between us. Whatever perception you have of me, change it. I'm not the same as I was before so stop thinking about me the way you do. It's sad you can't get rid of me in your thoughts like you said you would. That just means deep down you still miss me and I know you'll deny it in an instant. I may just be assuming, but hey we're both doing it now.

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