How They Tell The Fans That You Are Dating

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Taehyung: Tweeted a silly photo of you two

Caption: "My Jagiya (Y/N) is just a crazy as me!

Yoongi: Tweeted a picture of you two sleeping

Caption: "My baby, (Y/N) love sleep just as much as me "

Hoseok: Bangtan Bomb of you two dancing

Caption: The dancing couple (Y/N) and J-Hope

Jimin: Fans found out by your flirty tweets between each other.

Caption: "Yes (Y/N) is my girl"

Jungkook: BTS twitted a video of them teasing Jungkook for missing you.

Caption: "Our maknae is missing his girlfriend (Y/N)"

Namjoon: Bangtan Bomb of you two rapping

Caption: The rapping couple (Y/N) and Rap Monster

Jin: Through a EatJin

Caption: EatJin with my girlfriend (Y/N).

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