How You Met Part 2

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Jin: Interview, You were are at a BTS live interview. You were sat in front row around many ARMY's. You would make eye contact with Jin. He would stop in his own tracts and wave directly at you. Throughout the whole interview, Jin would not keep his eyes off of you. When the interview ended they boys walked back to their dressing rooms. You would be one off the last people to leave until you feel some tug on your wrist. You'd turn around and see Jin smiling at you. You two would be talking, finding out that you have more in common then you thought. That ended with you swapping numbers and meeting up with each other more often.

Yoongi: Back stage, he had seen you at one of their fan events. He asked the guards to tell you to come back stage. You would be confused and nervous. He would walk up to you with his gummy smile. He would explain that he was the one to ask you to come back stage as he wanted to talk. You two would be talking and laughing but that would stop when the members walked in. They would be confused to why Suga was laughing until they saw a girl sat with him, then it made sense. They would come over and introduce themselves. You would swap numbers with them, them knowing that you weren't a crazy fan.

Hoseok: Fan meet, you would be in line when you caught his eye. As the fans moved down he would always look at where you were. Once it was your turn to meet the members he would listen to what you were talking about. When you were sat in front of him he couldn't stop smiling, making you blush. He would write his number next to where he signed. He would make sure that you text him after the fan meet.

Namjoon: Concert, you had caught his eye when he walked past your section. He would make sure the keep eye contact with you, staying by your section more than the others. He would come over holding your hand longer than he did with others. When the concert ended he would see you been one of the last to leave as you were at the front. He saw you outside leaning against the wall waiting, he would walk over as there wasn't any fans left. He would ask why you were still here, he would stand next to you. You two would be talking for a while. When your parents came to pick you up, he gave you his number and told you to text him when you got back.

Jimin: Award Show, he would see you walking backstage after they had just won an award. He would be thinking about you that he didn't know where he was going and bumped into you. He would help you pick up the things you dropped. He would introduce himself, and you two would be getting along. You'd be laughing when the rest of BTS came up to you, after they were trying to find Jimin. He would have made sure to swap numbers, later contacting you.

Taehyung: Comeback show, he had just finished his performance, when he was walking backstage when his eyes landed on you. You would feel like someone was watching you so you looked up. Your eyes would meet making you both blush. Tae would be brought back to earth when Jungkook nudged him. A while later he would see you again, this time on your own. He would take this chance and go up to you, starting a conversation.

Jungkook: Reality show, you would be helping on set of the Knowing Brothers. Before the show started you would be sat with your brother Heechul, talking to the other guys. He fell in love at first sight. The way you laughed or smiled. The way you changed from around your brother to other people. You would go from messing around to be professional in a matter of seconds. Throughout that episode he would try to impress you. After it finished you brother would call you over to meet them. Jungkook would be the first one to greet you. You two would be talking getting along very well, he left with your number.

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