When You Have An Anxiety Attack (M/TW)

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Request for bookphan25
TW-Trigger Warning

Jin: Jin would have walked into your bedroom to see you crying in bed. He would rush to your side pulling you into a hug. He would hold you close as he rubbed your back helping you to calm down. He would tell you that he loves you and how much you make him happy.

Yoongi: What he didn't expect was to find you crying your eyes out. Yoongi wouldn't say anything. He would hold you close letting you cry everything out. When he noticed that your breathing was getting quicker he would jump into action to calm you down. Once you had calmed down and the tears had stopped this is when he would talk. His actions alone would tell you that he loves you.

Hoseok: It would break his heart when he walked into your house hearing your cries. Seeing you sat rocking yourself trying to calm yourself down would break him. He would walk towards you with tears in his own eyes. He would pull you into a hug, holding you so close, while calming you down. He would tell you over and over again how much he loves you kissing you all over your face to make you giggle.

Namjoon: Namjoon had been with you before when you had an anxiety attack so he knew what would calm you down. He would wrap his arms around you making sure that you head was where his heart was. He would caress your hair and rub your thigh, letting you know he was there for you. He would always kiss the top of your head, that was one of his ways to let you know that he loves you.

Jimin: Jimin had never seen you have a anxiety attack before, so when he came back from the studio to hear you crying and struggling to breathe, he would he in shook. He would come to you making you look him in the eyes as he helped calm down your breathing. When you were just crying he would hug you rubbing your back as you stopped crying. He wouldn't let you go until he knew that you were okay. He would often kiss your check letting you know that he was there and that he loved you.

Taehyung: Tae doesn't like it when he sees you cry or when you are upset. When he saw that you were once again having another anxiety attack he knew what to do. He wouldn't leave your side at all unless it was to get you a drink once you had calmed down. He would have his arm around your shoulder, you in his side. He wouldn't want to hug you as he though it would feel like he was suffocating you. When he knew that you had calmed down fully he would then hug you. He would give you a kiss before he let sleep take you, knowing that you are always tired after having a attack.

Jungkook: He would sit in front of you, holding your hands in his while reaming eye contact. His thumbs would be drawing patterns on the back of your hands, he would do that as away to focus your breathing on. He would be saying things to help you calm down and not to focus on your attack. He would wipe your tears off your face once you had stopped crying. He would hug you letting you feel him, making sure you know he's there are that he's never going to let you go.

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