When Your Top Exposed More Than It Should

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Jin: He would be a gentleman, he would whisper in your ear that your top fell down a bit, showing your boobs. He would offer you his jacket to cover up.

Yoongi: He would lean over and whisper in your ear, "Nice boobs, Jagi." But he would make sure that the attention was somewhere else, allowing you to pull up your top.

Hoseok: He would tap your thigh and when he got your attention he would nod at your boobs, making sure non of the members saw. Making you feel less embarrassed. Same as Jin he would offer you his jacket.

Namjoon: He would fix it himself when no one was looking or he would fix it causally. He would pull it up, while wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him.

Jimin: He would lean down and whisper in your ear, "Your top is a little low." He would make sure no one was looking when you fixed your top. He would wrap his arm around you pulling you into him, making you feel less awkward.

Taehyung: He would pull you close to him whispering in your ear "(Y/N) baby, your top." He would make sure no one was looking and allow you to fix it, without anyone noticing.

Jungkook: He wouldn't make a fuss about it, he would tap your thigh, nodding to you boobs, when you looked you would understand what he meant. He would lean over you, allowing you to pull up your top.

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