Finding You Crying

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Jin: Jin would leave the building, glance at you, and do a double take. He would approach you, and slightly smile. "Excuse me, but why are you crying?" You tell him it was nothing. He would sit next to you and say with concern, "If it was nothing, you wouldn't waste tears on them. Would you like to talk about it? Well not here, what about if we go for some ice cream?" Jin would hold out his hand helping you up, and take you out for ice cream. He would be really kind to you. He would sit with you and listen giving you advice. You would have swapped numbers, meeting up from time to time as you both were busy.

Yoongi: It would be late at night when Yoongi had stepped foot out of the building, making his way back to the dorms. He would stop when he heard someone crying. He would look around until his eyes fall on you. He would sit next to you, and you would look at him, sniffling. He would ask you if you like music. You would give a questioning look. Yoongi would pull out his phone with some earphones, he would proceed to give you one. You would both be sitting there, listening to music. You would lean your head against his shoulder, he would rest his on yours. At this point him knowing that you were comfortable with him, he would ask if you were okay. He would take you to a cafe that was open, and you two would sit and talk for hours. He wouldn't let you leave without giving you his number. He didn't want you to be like how he found you. He would walk you home, making sure you got back safe. He would always text you or visit you making sure you were okay.

Hoseok: Hoseok would have stayed late fixing some choreography. When he came out to see you balling your eyes out. He wouldn't waste another minute and would come over to you fast as he could. He would ask  if you were alright and check to make sure that you weren't hurt. You would tell him that you are fine, but he would refuse to leave your side.  "It's fine to cry. It's better to get all your feeling and emotions out. Would it be okay if I hug you? Will that make you feel better?" You would just nod your head, knowing that you could use some company to make you feel better. You felt safe in his arms. Once he felt that you had stopped crying he would pull away and wipe the ones left on your face. He would take you out for some food, where you got to know each other. You would exchange numbers and he would take you with him when he would practice, making you join him.

Namjoon: Namjoon would be walking back home from the studio when he would see you crying. He would come up to you."Excuse me, are you okay?" You would say that you were fine, despite having tears roll down your face. He would crouch down and ask you if you were hurt. You would deny him again, he would sigh. Namjoon would take out a tissue and wipe your tears. "There is obviously something wrong. It's fine if you won't tell me, but I'm here if you do." He would stay with you until he was sure you were fine, or he would take you inside somewhere so you wouldn't get ill. He would make sure you have each other numbers before you left, he would always make sure to check up on you.

Jimin: Jimin had stayed late at the studio to practice his dance routine. When he walked out of the building to see you crying. He would gather up courage to ask you if you were alright. You insist you are fine. He would come and sit next to you. You told him to leave and that you would be fine, and he would reply with: "No your not. I'm staying make sure that you are going to be fine." You would be sat in silence, when he suddenly chuckle to himself. You asked how he could laugh at while someone is crying. Jimin would explain that this was something out of a horror movie. Late at night, seeing a girl crying, no one around. Anyone could pop up and kill him.mHe admitted that most people would have walked away and left you crying, but him being the kind person he is stayed and made sure you were okay. You two got talking about horror films and he said he would be the first one to go. This made you laugh, and you could agree as him was to kind, and that's the kind of people that dies first. You would exchange numbers, meeting up at the cafe where you first had met.

Taehyung: Tae would leave the building and almost have a heart attack when he heard a sniffle. He would turn to see you crying your eyes out against a wall. He would instantly walk over to you and ask you if you were okay. You would tell him that everything was fine. He would give you a look of suspicion turning around to go on his way. But before he would leave, he would turn back to you and reach his hand out. You gave him questioning look. "I can't just leave you here. You're crying and I'm not that kind of jerk to walk away from someone, especially a female/male. I'm not leaving you until I know that you're alright." You would insist that you were fine, but when you saw he was having non of it you would eventually grab his hand. He would take you to his favourite ice cream place, treating you. He would stay with you even after you stopped crying, he would walk you home, making sure you got back safe. He would exchange numbers with you, in need of a friend you could go to.

Jungkook: Jungkook would have stayed back late, making sure he got the one dance move right that he had been struggling on. When he left the building he heard the sound of a sniffle. Following the sound his eyes would lands you. You would be sat against a wall with you head in your knees. He would stand there for a minute before walking over to you. When you heard someone walk up to you, you would look up. This is when he saw your face, he saw tears after tears flow down your cheeks. He would bend down, grabbing a packet of tissues offering you one. You took one and wiped your tears but they just kept coming. Like the others he would stay. He would sit in front of you, holding your hand and calming you down. Once you stopped crying he would ask you what's wrong. "I know you're not okay so I'm noting going to ask if you are." Which made you giggle a bit, making him smile. "But would you like to talk about it over a drink? I feel like you could use someone to talk to." You agreed and that's when you let everything out. He sat and listened, giving you advice. He would walk you home as it wasn't safe at night. You would swap numbers and he would often text or ring you to meet up, this is where you both catch up. Everyday he would ask if you are okay.

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