When You Are On Your Period

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-Cooks you any food that you want.
-Buys you the wrong pads/tampons.
-Makes you cry since you're hormonal.
-Plays the guitar for you.


-Buys you pads/tampons.
-Cuddles you so you end up falling asleep.
-Makes you food.
-Knows how to make you feel better.
-Raps or sings for you and plays the piano.


-Trys to cheer you up.
-Buys you the wrong pads/tampons from time to time.
-Gives you massages.
-Always asks if you are okay.


-Freaks out when you first had your period but now he knows what to do.
-Still buys you the wrong pads/tampons.
-Buys you loads of chocolate and sweets.
-Reads to you.


-Is always stocked up on the things you need.
-Gets you what you want.
-Gives you massages.
-Sings to you.
-Runs you a nice bubble bath.


-Makes you cry since you're hormonal.
-Gives you hugs.
-Always clings to you which you love but also makes you frustrated.
-Cuddles you.
-Sings to you.
-Both binge watch K-Dramas.


-He comforts you.
-Gives you kisses.
-Cuddles you into his chest.
-Gives you a hot water bottle.
-Gets you what you want and need.

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