Their Childs First Word Is Appa

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Jin: You and Jin would be in the supermarket getting some food when your baby girl started to fuss. You gave her a toy that you had brought with you to keep her entertained. But that only lasted a few minutes until she started to fuss again. You sighed as you took her out of the trolley,you held her in your arms rocking her, trying to get her to calm down.

Jin look at you two with a fond smile on his face. He leans over a bops your daughter on the nose. This made her want Jin. She leaned to him holding her arms out towards him. "Appa~"

When Jin heard his baby girl say Appa he was over the moon. He took her into his own arms while smiling. Once she was in Jins arms she stopped fussing.

"Did you just want Appa?" He asked to which she just smiled.

Yoongi: You were sat in the dinning room feeding your son, who was sat in the highchair. You were happily smiling while your baby boy was happily talking away. Not actual words but baby talk. You heard the front door open and close, looking up at the clock you notice that its only 1pm. 'Why would Yoongi be back?' Looking back towards your son you give them another spoonful of food.

"Hey Jagi." You hear Yoongi say, looking up he leans down to kiss you. He pulls away to see a smile on your face, but before he could ask he got interrupted.

"Appa!" You hear your son yell happily, making both you and Yoongi freeze. You look up at Yoongi to see a wide gummy smile on his face. "Appa! Appa!"

Yoongi walked over to your son and took them out of the highchair and into his arms. He held his son close to him while still remaining his smile. "Hi baby, did you miss me?" He asked to which your son just smiled holding Yoongi's t-shirt in his hands.  All you could do is just sit there watching your husband and your son with a loving smile on your face.

Hoseok: You had decided to surprise Hoseok. The guys were preparing for a comeback, so you haven't been able to spend a lot of time with your husband. You got your baby girl ready and packed the food that you had made for them and got in the car. You arrived at BigHit and had help by their manger. You took your baby girl and he took the rest of the stuff. You walked into the practice room and put your baby girl on the ground. She soon took off to Hobi.

"Appa!" She shouted. Hoseok stood still shocked before he broke out into a wide smile. Holding his hands out he picked her up and span her around.

"Hiya baby." He says to her still smiling. Hoseok looks up at you and holds one arm open, as he's holding his daughter. You smile and walk over to him, hugging his side. He kisses your head.

"Appa!" You look over to your daughter, who's pointing at her lips, wanting a kiss. You laugh as Hoseok gives her a kiss.

What you both didn't know was that the guys had filmed it and twittered it to the fans. But they asked for your approval before posting it.

Namjoon: Namjoon was in the studio that you got put in the house after you got married. He wanted to have a studio in the house so he wasn't leaving all the time. He wanted to spend more time with his girls.

You knocked on the door "Hey baby?" You asked popping your head in.

"Yeah." He says turning around to look at you. Your daughter managed to push past your legs and ran straight for Namjoon, who just held his arms out. He picked her up and put her on his knee.

"Could you watch her for me? I have a few things that I need to do." You asked, smiling when you see Namjoon playing with her.

"Of course I can, you take as long as you need." He said looking up at you. You nod and turn around, ready to walk out of the door. But what happened next shocked both of you.

"Appa, I love you." Not only did your daughter say Appa but she said a full sentence. She's not even at the age that she could possibly talk. You and Namjoon look at each other before giggling.

"She's got your intelligence." You say before walking out, leaving them to have their moment.

Jimin: You were busy cleaning the house while Jimin's entertaining your baby boy. He was sat in the living room playing with toys, singing, dancing for him, making funny and random faces. After a while he sat down and just watch his son happily playing with a soft toy. He would then throw it at Jimin hitting him in the head, this would cause him to giggle. Jimin smiled while shaking his head. Jimin could see that his son was getting sleepy, as he let out a yawn. Jimin held out him a arms, waiting for his baby to move into them.

But he would just sit there instead, holding his arms up. "Appa." He called out. Jimin froze, his son just called him appa, he soon snowed out of his trace and made his way over. Taking a hold of his son, he rocked him side to side smiling. Never in his life has he felt so proud, his son just said his first word.

Taehyung: Tae would be sat on the floor playing with your son. Your son would be sat in between Tae's legs as he played with Tae's hands. Your son would giggle when he places his hands on Tae's to compare size, to which Tae would close his hands trapping his sons in his. This would go on for a few minutes until Tae doesn't open his hands causing the little to to yell.


When Tae heard his little boy say appa, he froze in shook. But he soon broke out in a massive grin. Taking his son in his hands and standing up he spins around making your little boy giggle more.

"Tell eomma what you said." Tae would say walking up to you with him in his arms.

"Appa." You would smile seeing how happy it made Tae but you would feel proud because your baby boy just said his first word.

Jungkook: He had just come back from tour and he was very tired. He had missed both of his girls. He wanted nothing more than just to cuddle up with you both. It was about lunch time when Jungkook finally arrived home. He could hear his daughter laughing as you feed her. You were making funny faces and noises to try get her to eat all her lunch. Jungkook lent on the doorframe watching the scene with a smile on his face.

"Appa should be home soon, baby girl." You tell your daughter, not aware that's he's behind you. Your daughter looked up and smiled.

"Appa!" She shouted and reaches her arms out for him. Confused you turned around to see Jungkook. He slowly walked towards his daughter. "Appa, home." She said giggling.

Jungkook picked her up and just held her in his arms, rocking side to side. Words couldn't describe how happy he was to be home.

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